Scheduled Ancient Monument: BOWL BARROW IN BIRCH GROVE, MARTLESHAM HEATH (21269)

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Suffix 21269
Date assigned 21 June 1995
Date last amended


The monument includes a small bowl barrow situated in a private garden on what was once wooded heathland and formerly visible as an earthen mound encircled by a ditch. Since 1989 the barrow has been obscured as a result of the dumping of soil on and around it, so as to raise the level of the surrounding surface, and of the removal of approximately 0.15m of material from the top of the mound. The mound is recorded as covering an area 8.5m in diameter and as having stood to a height of between 0.5m and 0.8m, with a slight hollow in the surface which marked the site of an old excavation. The ditch, from which material was dug and used in the construction of the mound, had become largely infilled, but was visible as a slight depression in the ground surface on the south east side of the mound.

External Links (2)

Sources (1)

  • Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file.



Grid reference Centred TM 2456 4479 (20m by 20m)
Map sheet TM24SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jul 20 2012 2:38PM

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