Basil Brown was a local archaeologist, who is most famous for his excavations of the burial mounds at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk.
He started his archaeological excavations in Suffolk during the 1930s and continued until late into the 1960s, creating a wealth of information about the archaeology of Suffolk, which is still regularly used today.
The majority of the Basil Brown archives are held by Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service and the Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich).
The British Museum and the National Trust hold much of his archives associated with the Sutton Hoo excavations. Ipswich Museum curate some of the archaeological objects.
Image: Basil Brown
Access to the Collections
The collections held by Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service can be accessed during working hours Monday-Friday by appointment only.
For enquiries and appointments contact either Faye Minter Faye.Minter@suffolk.gov.uk or Julie Kennard Julie.Kennard@suffolk.gov.uk or call 01284 741230
The Suffolk Record Office curate a number of Basil Brown’s original notebooks, photographic negatives and excavation drawings on behalf of SCCAS.
The Basil Brown collection
The Basil Brown archive is held by both the Archaeological Service and the Suffolk Record Office.
For access to the collections held by Suffolk Record Office please contact them directly
Here is a list of where the collections are held (kindly compiled and provided by Sarah Doig).
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