Below is a list of useful publications and articles used in our Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology in Suffolk and in Britain. In addition you can explore the Suffolk Historic Environment Record and Portable Antiquities Scheme database.
Useful Websites
Ancient Human Occupation of Britain
Early Prehistory - Historic England
Human Evolution - Natural History Museum
North Norfolk Coast Virtual Field Trip
Books and Articles
- Adkins, R., Adkins L. and Leitch, V. (1982) The Handbook of British Archaeology, London: Constable.
- Billington, L. P. (2016) Lithic Scatters and Landscape Occupation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: A Case Study from Eastern England. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Sheffield.
- Buteux, S., Chambers, J. C. and Silva, B. (2009) Digging up the Ice Age, Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Clark, C. and Gibbard, P. (2004) 'Pleistocene Glacial Limits in England, Scotland and Wales', Developments in Quaternary Science, 2, pp.47-82.
- Cutler, H. (2013) Understanding Late Middle Palaeolithic Neandertal Landscape-use during Short-Term Occupations in Britain. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Cambridge.
- Davis, R., Lewis, S. G., Ashton, N. M., Parfitt, S. A., Hatch, M. T. and Hoare, P. G. (2017) 'The Early Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Breckland: Current Understanding and Directions for Future Research', The Journal of Breckland Studies, 1, pp.28-44. View PDF
- Flas, D. (2009) 'The Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzmanowician and The Limits of Auraignacian Expansion on the Northern European Plain', in Djindjian, F., Kozlowski, J. and Bicho, N. (eds.) Le Concept de Territoires Dans le Paléolithique Supérieur Européen. BAR International Series 1938, Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Mithen, S. (1999) 'Hunter-Gatherers of the Mesolithic', in Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. (eds.) The Archaeology of Britain: An Introduction from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution, London: Routledge
- Pettit, P. B. and White, M. (2012) The British Palaeolithic: Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World, London: Routledge.
- Rose, J. (2009) 'Early and Middle Pleistocene landscapes of Eastern England', Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120, pp.3-33.
- Ruebens, K. (2007) 'Bifacial Elements in Continental Northwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Cycle (MIS5d-3): The Relationship between Mousterian, Micoquian and ‘Mixed’ Assemblages', Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 18, pp. 84-103.
- White, M., Ashton, N., Bridgeland, D. (2019) 'Twisted Handaxes in Middle Pleistocene Britain and their Implications for Regional-scale Cultural Variation and the Deep History of Acheulean Hominin Groups', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 85, pp.61-81.
- White, M. J. and Jacobi, R. M. (2002) 'Two Sides to Every Story: Bout Coupé Handaxes Revisited', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 21, pp.109-133.
- White, M. J. and Schreve, D. C. (2001) 'Island Britain-Peninsula Britain : Palaeogeography, Colonisation and the Lower Palaeolithic Settlement of the British Isles.', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 66, pp. 1-28.
- Wymer, J. (1999) 'The Shaping of Suffolk', in Dymond, D. and Martin, E. (eds) An Historical Atlas of Suffolk (3rd edn), Ipswich: Suffolk County Council.