Simple Search
The free-text search will search all pages on the Suffolk Heritage Explore including blogs and database records from the Suffolk Historic Environment Record.
If you know the HER number for a site, you can type it directly into the Simple Search bar.
Advanced Record Search
The advanced record search is a more structured way of searching the Suffolk Historic Environment Record, where specific monument and find types can be searched in combination with period and parish.
For details on the specific terms used in this database please visit the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage, specifically the FISH Vocabularies (or follow the links below for site and find types).
Site type - Monuments on the Suffolk Historic Environment Record are indexed against the English Heritage Thesaurus of site types. You can use the following link to view the list of monuments in the Historic England Thesauri of monument types (PDF).
Find type - This tool allows you to search for specific objects that have been found and linked to monuments in Suffolk. As before, finds are indexed using the Historic England Thesaurus of object types (PDF).
Parish - A dropdown list of the current parishes within Suffolk.
Time period - This date can be used on its own if you just want to search a single period or as the start date if you want to search over multiple periods.
Time period end - This date is used as the end date if you are searching over multiple periods.
Time period overlap - This button enables you to choose if you only want to see records that fall exclusively within the date range you have specified or if you want to see all records that fall within the date range even if they overlap into the previous or following periods.
Sort results by - Reference, refers to the Parish code, a combination of three letters representing the parish and the number that record is within that parish (this sort function is particularly useful in organising the results into parishes if you are searching the whole county).