Below is a list of resources to guide further study. This list is not exhaustive.
Archive and Planning
Development and Archaeology: Supplementary Planning Document, 2018, Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich 1974-1990 Excavation Archive
Signposts to Ipswich Archive (PDF)
Archaeology of Ipswich
Crabtree, P., Middle Saxon Animal Husbandry in East Anglia, East Anglian Archaeology, vol.143, 2012
Blinkhorn, P., ‘Middle Saxon pottery from the Buttermarket kiln, Ipswich’, Medieval Ceramics, vol. 13, pp.12-16, 1990
Blinkhorn, P., The Ipswich Ware Project: ceramics, trade and society in Middle Saxon England, Medieval Pottery Research Group, Occasional Paper 7, 2012
Dunmore, S., Gray, V., Loader, T. and Wade, K., ‘The Origins and Development of Ipswich: an Interim Report’, East Anglian Archaeology, vol.1, pp.57-67, 1975
Dunmore, S., Loader, T. and Wade, K., ‘Ipswich Archaeological Survey: Second Interim Report’, East Anglian Archaeology, vol.3, pp.135-140, 1976
Hurst J. G. & West S.E., Saxo-Norman Pottery in East Anglia, II, Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1957
Layard, N., ‘Underground Ipswich’, East Anglian Daily Times, 28th September 1898
Layard, N., ‘Recent discoveries on the site of the Carmelite Convent at Ipswich and the Old River Quay’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, vol. X, pp.183-188, 1899
Layard, N, ‘An Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Ipswich’, Archaeologia, vol. 60, pp.325-52, 1907
Scole Committee, Ipswich: The Archaeological Implications of Development, 1973
Scull, C., Early Medieval (Late 5th-Early 8th Centuries AD) Cemeteries at Boss Hall and Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk, Society of Medieval Archaeology Monograph Ser., vol.27, 2009
Smedley, N., and Owles, E., ‘Some Suffolk kilns: IV. Saxon kilns in Cox Lane’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, vol. XXIX, pp.304-335, 1963
Wade, K, ‘Sampling at Ipswich: The origins and growth of the Anglo-Saxon Town’, in Cherry, J.F., Gamble, C., and Shennan, S., Sampling in Contemporary British Archaeology (BAR British Series 50), 1978
Wade, K. ‘Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Ipswich’ in Dymond, D., and Martin, E. (eds), An Historical Atlas of Suffolk, pp.122-123, 1988a
Wade, K. ‘Ipswich’ in Hodges, R., and Hobley, B. (eds), The Rebirth of Towns in the West, AD 700-1050, Council British Archaeology Research Report 68, pp. 93-100, 1988b
Wade, K. ‘The Urbanisation of East Anglia: the Ipswich Perspective’ in Julie Gardner (ed), Flatlands & Wetlands: Current Themes in East Anglian Archaeology, East Anglian Archaeology, vol. 50, pp.144-151, 1993
Wade, K., ‘Gipeswic – East Anglia’s First Economic Capital 600-1066’, Ipswich from the First to the Third Millennium, The Ipswich Society, pp.1-6, 2001
West, S. E., ‘Excavations at Cox Lane (1958) and at the Town Defences, Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich (1959)’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, vol. XXIX, pp.233-303, 1963
Understanding Historical Sources
Allen, D., 'Ipswich Borough Archives 1255-1835; A Catalogue', Suffolk Record Society, vol. XLIII, 2000
Amor, N.R., 'Late Medieval Ipswich Trade and Industry', Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2011
Chamberlain, H., 'Ipswich 200 Years Ago; Showing the Extent and Rateable Value of the Town at that Period being a Correct Copy of an Assessment made in the Year 1689', Ipswich, 1830
Clarke, G.R., 'History and Description of the Town of Ipswich', Ipswich, 1830
Clegg, M., 'Streets and Street Names in Ipswich', Salient Press, County Hall, Ipswich, 1984
Copinger, W.A., Manors of Suffolk; Notes on their History and Devolution: Hundreds of Hoxne, Lackford and Loes', vol. 5, 1909
Hunt, W.P., 'Two Rentals of the Priory of the Holy Trinity in Ipswich, Suffolk; temp Hen III and Edward I', Ipswich, 1847
Martin, G.H., 'The Ipswich Recognizance Rolls 1294-1327; A Calendar', (SRS 1973)
Richardson, W.H., 'The Annalls of Ipswich; The Lawes, Customes and Government of the Same... by Nathaniel Bacon 1654', Ipswich, 1884
Hervey, S.H.A., 'Suffolk in 1674; The Hearth Tax Returns', Woodbridge, 1905
Wodderspoon, J., 'Memorials of the Ancient Town of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk', Pawsey, Ipswich, 1850
Youngs, F.A., 'Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England', Southern England Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks, vol. 1, London, 1980
Proceeding of the Suffolk Institute:
Blatchly, J., and B. Haward, 'Sir Robert, Lord Curson, Soldier, Courtier and Spy, and his Ipswich Mansion', vol. XLI, part 2, 2007
Fairclough, J., 'The Bounds of Stoke and the Hamlets of Ipswich', vol. XL, part 3, 2003
Grimsey, B.P., 'Lord Curson's House: The Bishop's Palace, Ipswich', vol. VII, part 3, 1891
Layard, N.F., 'Recent Discoveries on the Site of the Carmelite Convent of IPswich and the Old River Quay', vol. X, part 2, 1899
Powell, E., 'The Taxation of IPswich for the Welsh War in 1282', vol. XII, part 2, 1905
Redstone, V.B., 'The Carmelites of Ipswich', vol. X., part 2, 1899
Redstone, V.B., 'Early Suffolk Willa', vol. XV, part 3, 1915
Suffolk Review:
Breen, A., 'The Ship Owners of IPswich in 1283: A Maritime Community', Suffolk Review, New Series, Spring 2009
Breen, A., 'Ipswich Tallage Roll 1227: An Introduction', Suffolk Review, New Series, Spring 2010
Ridgard, J., 'Ipswich Tallage Roll 1227', Suffolk Review, New Series, Spring 2010
Useful Websites
Stephen Alsford ‘Medieval Ipswich’
University of Iowa Calendar of Patent Rolls