Scheduled Ancient Monument: MOATED SITE AT HOO GREEN, 290M NORTH WEST OF GODWIN'S PLACE (21298)

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Suffix 21298
Date assigned 01 December 1993
Date last amended


The monument includes a moated site, known locally as Podd's Acre, sited on level ground approximately 1km south of the River Deben. It survives as a quadrangular island measuring approximately 76m north - south by 64m east - west, surrounded by a ditch between 7m and 9m wide and approximately 1.2m deep. A broad, dished causeway crosses the eastern arm. A slight mound in the north east corner of the island marks the site of two small cottages of clay-lump construction which stood unoccupied from the 1930s and collapsed into the adjacent ditch after the roof was removed in the 1950s. The interior surface is raised up to 0.4m above the level of the external ground surface. The moat, which was filled by surface water from ditches to the south, is silted but damp at the bottom and parts are seasonally flooded. A broad drain leads northward from an outlet at the north east corner.

External Links (2)

Sources (1)

  • Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file.



Grid reference Centred TM 2558 5844 (104m by 113m)
Map sheet TM25NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jul 20 2012 3:31PM

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