Scheduled Ancient Monument: CAMPSEY PRIORY (SITE OF) (SF147)

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Suffix SF147
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Augustinian Priory founded in 1195 for 21 nuns by Theobald de Valoines. Further endowments by the family of Ufford, Earls of Suffolk during C14 including a chantry in 1347, removed to Bruisyard in 1354 (BUD 001). Suppressed in 1536 (S1). Surviving Med features in the farmhouse (Ash Abbey), the watermill (S15) and a large barn. Reused stonework in other outbuildings. 1970: Excavation of area of 78 sq m following finds of burials in water pipe trench in 1969. Walls of flint and mortar and an octagonal pier ball found, with areas of glazed floor tiles (S1). Most of the tiles are decorated in relief; others are 'printed', slip brushed & slip stencilled (S2). Excavated burials included a monumental tomb of Purbeck marble, in a stone lined burial chamber dated to the latter part of the C14; 3 Purbeck marble tombstones set at floor level and 1 ? Burwell stone carved slab, not in situ, from an earlier C13 effigy tombstone. Also three skeletons. All burials left in situ; monumental tomb pieces lifted. Previous burial finds recorded include one lead and six stone coffins. Building materials found in excavation include mainly Caen limestone with some greensand and shelly Lincolnshire limestone. Mouldings illustrated. Also bricks, stained glass fragments. Pottery mainly glazed, C16 or later. Leaden bulla of Pope Clement VI, 1342-1352. For full references see (S1). Some finds from excavation, including floor tiles, pottery sherds, about 20 fragments of mid C13 grisaille glass, given by Mrs H Gascoigne of Ash Abbey. A late C14 brick, presented to Moyses Hall in 1984, measuring 24 x 10.5 x 4 with it reads 'From SE tomb perhaps of Edmund de Offord circa 1375 at Campsey Ash Priory' (S8). Also see DoE scheduling information (S3). Building of a swimming pool led to demolition of a primarily C19 dairy building incorporating much regular ashlar of ?Med origin on the N wall (S9). Trial pits by engineers showed the N wall was on Med foundations with evidence for a doorway with a cill c. 87cm below present ground level (S10). Subsequent building trenches showed that a garden wall lies on the footing of the S cloister yard wall and that a substantial building ?frater lies to the S of this, i.e. outside the SAM. This is now partially built over (S11). A new boiler house built in 1994 exposed a major Med wall footing running N-S on the probable line of the E cloister yard wall but to the S of the cloister (i.e. outside the SAM)(S12). Further trial holes in connection with heating pipes showed the E cloister wall to be in good condition with a cobbled yard surface to the cloister c. 30cm below present ground level (S13). 1995: Monitoring ground works for planning application C/0156 for an extension to existing house, located stone drain (Med?), part of a stone wall and footing trenches. Details in (S14). Further monitoring located various remains including two phase E cloister wall, other walls, a walkway and in-situ floor tiles. Details in (S16).

External Links (1)

Sources (1)

  • Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file.



Grid reference Centred TM 3186 5450 (127m by 112m)
Map sheet TM35SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jul 19 2012 2:01PM

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