Scheduled Ancient Monument: CHAPEL FARM MOATED SITE (SF58)

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Suffix SF58
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An irregular but broad moat adjoining Chapel Farm (which according to (S4) once included remains of a chapel, apparently destroyed in a rebuilding of circa 1910). The chapel was tended by a monk of Hoxne, who had a cell there - probably on the moated area (which has considerable humps of buildings) - if so, he was well set up for one man and attendants, and the site is a rare type. A quarter of a mile to the W levelling revealed much Med pottery, early and late, but no structural remains. The location of this chapel is very problematic - see RGL 013 & RGL 005 for more likely alteratives. 1981: Moat wet and weed free. Interior under grass and old fruit trees & several old sheds and a square concrete structure standing to 1 ft or so approx 5m square. 1986: (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s) says that the moat was cleared out in 1976. The moated area is under grass, which is cropped short by ducks and geese. There area few sheds, and scattered trees, including old apple, ash, chestnut & beech. Some of them planted fairly recently to mark family events. Belo

External Links (1)

Sources (1)

  • Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file.



Grid reference Centred TM 0472 5161 (83m by 98m)
Map sheet TM05SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Record last edited

Jul 19 2012 3:55PM

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