Site Event/Activity record ESF19468 - Monitoring, 1 Pinbush Road, Carlton Colville
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | CAC 036 - 1 Pinbush Road, Carlton Colville |
Grid reference | Centred TM 5274 8956 (116m by 50m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | TM58NW |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service
Not recorded.
An archaeological evaluation and subsequent monitoring was undertaken in advance of an extension to the Harrod factory at Pinbush Road, Gisleham, in order to characterise the nature of any surviving archaeological deposits. An early Iron Age site was recently discovered just to the south of this site (CAC 035) and scattered Prehistoric finds are recorded on the county Sites and Monuments Record in the area. The site is also just to the east of Bloodmoor Hill, an area with abundant archaeology including an Anglo-Saxon settlement and cemetery site. Five trenches were excavated over the development area, and were stripped to the level of the natural subsoil. Four of the five trenches produced no archaeological evidence. Trench 4 however, had a buried soil horizon with scattered flints of Mesolithic to Bronze Age date, as well as some probable Iron Age pottery found in association with a small burnt area, a possible domestic hearth, within this soil horizon. Occasional flint flakes were also found in the top and subsoil within this trench. This evidence is of a similar age to that found at the adjacent CAC 035 and suggests a small area of prehistoric activity. Subsequent monitoring of the area surrounding trenches 4 and 5, during the excavation of the building footings, revealed no further archaeology.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future Not known
Associated Identifiers:
Sitecode CAC 036
HER event no. CAC 036
Planning Application No. W/8554/18
NMR No. 1441420
Project Type: Field evaluation
Development Type: Urban commercial (e.g. offices, shops, banks, etc.)
Methods and Techniques: Targeted Trenches
Position in the Planning Process: After full determination (eg. As a condition)
Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16
Site status: None
Current Land use: Industry and Commerce 4 - Storage and warehousing
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): DITCH Modern
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): FLINT FLAKE Mesolithic, POTTERY Iron Age , FLINT FLAKE Bronze Age , POTTERY Mesolithic, POTTERY Bronze Age
Area 0.41 Hectares
Grid Reference: TM52738956 Point
Height 30.00 - 32.00 metres
Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body
Design originator: Jess Tipper
Director/Manager: John Newman
Supervisor: Clare McLannahan
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: CAC 036
Contents: Ceramics, Worked stone/lithics
Media: Database, Images raster / digital photography, Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: CAC 036
Contents: other
Media: Context sheet, Correspondence, Drawing, Map, Unpublished Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: CAC 036
Contents: Ceramics, Worked stone/lithics
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: CAC 036 - 1 Pinbush Road, Carlton Colville
Author(s)/Editor(s): McLannahan, C
Other Bibliographic Details: 2006/102
Date: 2006
Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS
Place of Issue or Publication: SCCAS
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF52399 Unpublished document: Good, C.. 2006. Eval report. 1 Pinbush Road, Calton Colville.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- CAC 036 1 Pinbush Road, South Lowestoft Industrial Estate, Carlton Colville, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
Record last edited
Jun 22 2022 5:22PM