Site Event/Activity record ESF20433 - Evaluation, Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, 2008-9
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane |
Grid reference | Centred TM 03805 43245 (398m by 524m) |
Map sheet | TM04SW |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service
Not recorded.
Various phases of archaeological work on land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, were required to investigate the archaeological potential of the site. 85 evaluation trenches revealed scattered features of prehistoric, Roman and post-medieval date over much of the site in the form of pits and boundary ditches, whilst an area of concentrated features was recorded in the south west corner of the site which may relate to Roman activity. Two deep, infilled valleys were present within the evaluation area, both following the natural slope down towards the south west. Generally, the valley fills comprised sterile, colluvial deposits, the result of progressive movement of sediments down hill. At the base of the slope in the south west corner of the site, accumulated peat deposits appear to fill a shallow channel which environmental evidence suggests began to fill during the Mesolithic period.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future Not known
Associated Identifiers:
Planning Application No. B/06/01488/OUT/MF
Related HER No. HAD 085
HER event no. HAD 089
Sitecode HAD 089
NMR No. 1524815
Project Type: Field evaluation
Development Type: Not recorded
Methods and Techniques: Sample Trenches, Environmental Sampling, Topographic Survey
Position in the Planning Process: Not known / Not recorded
Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16
Site status: None
Current Land use: Cultivated Land 3 - Operations to a depth more than 0.25m
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): DITCH Uncertain, DITCH Roman, DITCH Modern, PIT Uncertain, PIT Early Medieval , PIT Early Iron Age
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): CERAMIC Bronze Age , CERAMIC Iron Age , CERAMIC Roman, CERAMIC Post Medieval , CERAMIC Early Medieval , CERAMIC Medieval
Area 10.00 Hectares
Grid Reference: TM03864319 Point
Height 40.00 - 60.00 metres
Brief originator: Local Planning Authority (with/without advice from County/District Archaeologist)
Design originator: Jess Tipper
Director/Manager: Rhodri Gardner
Supervisor: Linzi Everett
Recipient: AHDS
ID: HAD 089
Contents: other
Media: Images raster / digital photography, Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: HAD 089
Contents: other
Media: Correspondence, Unpublished Text
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
ID: HAD 089
Contents: Animal Bones, Ceramics, Environmental, Metal, Worked stone/lithics
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill, Lane, Hadleigh
Author(s)/Editor(s): Everett, L.
Other Bibliographic Details: 2008/059
Date: 2009
Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS
Place of Issue or Publication: SCCAS
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF50746 Unpublished document: Everett, L.. 2008. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, HAD 085 & HAD 089.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- HAD 089 Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, (Monument)
Record last edited
Nov 10 2010 12:34PM