Site Event/Activity record ESF21084 - Biogas Plant, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham

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Location Biogas Plant, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham
Grid reference TM 3570 5321 (point)
Map sheet TM35SE



AOC Archaeology


Not recorded.



A programme of archaeological evaluation and excavation was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group. The work was carried out ahead of a proposed development for the construction of a biogas plant, adjacent to building 568 at the Bentwaters Park. The earliest phase of activity identified on site occurred during the Early Neolithic, consisting of three rubbish pits located in the southwest area of site. A small to moderate sized finds assemblage was recovered from the small pits, comprising of Early Neolithic pottery, worked flint and fire clay. No further activity was detected on site until the 19th or 20th century, represented by a rubbish pit and an isolated posthole. Numerous other features were identified during the course of the archaeological investigations, but due to a lack of dating evidence, they could not be assigned to any one period of activity. The undated features included a possible boundary ditch and fence line. Overall, a low density of archaeological features was identified during the course of the evaluation and excavation deriving from the Early Neolithic and post-medieval/modern periods. As a whole, the site is thought to be of regional significance, this is due to the presence of Early Neolithic activity which maybe able to inform on how the regional landscape was being utilised at this time.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Clarke, C.. 2010. Biogas Plant, Adjacent to Building 568, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham, Suffolk: An archaeological post-excavation report.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • 15 High Street, Orford (Monument)
  • Neolithic and post-medieval finds and features at Biogas Plant, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham (Monument)

Record last edited

Dec 9 2024 4:21PM

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