Site Event/Activity record ESF21267 - Evaluation at Sainsburys, Mildenhall

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Location Sainsburys Site, Recreation Way
Grid reference Centred TL 7133 7450 (134m by 165m)
Map sheet TL77SW



Cotswold Archaeology





13 evaluation trenches revealing multi-period archaeology. PROJECT DETAILS An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology between October and November 2009 on land off Recreation Way, Mildenhall, Suffolk. Thirteen trenches were excavated. The archaeological evaluation identified the presence of archaeological deposits throughout the development area, ranging from prehistoric to modern in date. It has also identified a series of alluvial and peat layers within the southern part of the site. Artefacts recovered during the evaluation included pottery, animal bone and daub. Archaeological features dating to the Mid to Late Iron Age include probable quarry pits and a number of ditches, possibly for drainage. Similar features of Roman date were also encountered. A pit containing a single sherd of pottery possibly dated to the 5th to 8th centuries AD could indicate Anglo-Saxon occupation. Layers of peat, dated as medieval, seal the earlier features within the southern part of the site. Burnt daub post-dating the formation of the peat layer, and presumably the remains of a structure, was also recovered. The use of the northern part of the site in the modern period is indicated by a number of features including pits and a brick surface which post-dates 1900. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future Not known Associated Identifiers: Contracting Unit No. 2977 Sitecode MNL 622 Project Type: Field evaluation Development Type: Urban commercial (e.g. offices, shops, banks, etc.) Methods and Techniques: '''Sample Trenches''' Position in the Planning Process: Not known / Not recorded Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Monument Type(s)/Period(s): QUARRY PITS Iron Age , DITCHES Iron Age , DITCHES Roman, PIT Early Medieval , PITS Iron Age , PITS Roman, DITCH Medieval Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): POTTERY Roman, POTTERY Iron Age , ANIMAL BONE Uncertain, POTTERY Early Medieval PROJECT LOCATION Area 4.00 Hectares Grid Reference: TL71327447 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services Design originator: Cotswold Archaeology Director/Manager: Richard Young Supervisor: Mark Brett DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services Contents: 'none' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services Contents: 'none' Media: 'Context sheet', 'Drawing', 'Photograph' PHYSICAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Services Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Land at Mildenhall, Suffolk: Archaeological Evaluation Author(s)/Editor(s): Brett, M Other Bibliographic Details: CA Typescript Report No. 09203 Date: 2009 Issuer/Publisher: Cotswold Archaeology Place of Issue or Publication: Cotswold Archaeology

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: Brett, M.. 2009. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land at Mildenhall, Suffolk.
  • <S1> Article in serial: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. Archaeol in Suffolk 2009, PSIAH 42 (2), 2010, 214.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Prehistoric Settlement, Sainsburys site, Recreation Way (Monument)

Record last edited

Aug 21 2012 11:06AM

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