Site Event/Activity record ESF21626 - Desk Based Assessment at Brickfield Stud, Cemetery Hill, Exning Road

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Location Brickfield Stud, Cemetery Hill, Exning Road
Grid reference Centred TL 6244 6510 (364m by 558m)
Map sheet TL66NW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



An examination of the Suffolk HER, aerial photographic survey, documentary and cartographic search and a site inspection, has set the proposed 11ha development area (PDA) within its immediate archaeological landscape. In general the topographic location of the PDA and the known archaeology of the surrounding area suggests that there is a moderate to high potential for encountering archaeological deposits of prehistoric to medieval date within the PDA, and that such deposits are likely to be well preserved and at relatively shallow depths. Further archaeological investigation, beginning with a programme of trial trench evaluation to identify and assess the extent, character, density, depth and level of preservation of any archaeological deposits is therefore recommended prior to submission of a planning application.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: craven J. 2012. Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, Brickfield Stud, Cemetery Hill, Exning Road.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Iron Age and Romen features, Brickfield Stud, Newmarket (Monument)

Record last edited

Feb 4 2025 5:53PM

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