Site Event/Activity record ESF21841 - Excavation, Land adjoining the Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row
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Location | Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row |
Grid reference | Centred TL 6900 7796 (172m by 187m) |
Map sheet | TL67NE |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service
Not recorded.
Archaeological excavation of 1.3ha of former farmland at Beck Row has identified extensive evidence of multi-period activity. The site is part of an area of known Iron Age and Roman enclosures and domestic and agricultural activity, which extends north into MNL 502 and west into MNL 618, where evaluation and recent excavation has identified particularly dense Roman occupation deposits. A low-level scatter of early prehistoric material was identified amidst elements of the surviving natural topography of dunes and hollows. The first real phase of occupation on the site appears to have been in the Early Iron Age with the main phase of activity being a continuous span of occupation throughout the Roman period, peaking in the 2nd-3rd centuries before declining in the3rd/4th centuries. This corresponds to the evidence seen previously in MNL 502 and there was a continuity of features and phasing across both sites. An initial area of activity, originating in the Late Iron Age/early Roman period, was subsequently defined by a substantial ditched boundary to the south, which appeared to continue in use through to the 3rd century. Three possible structures lay immediately to the north of this boundary. This boundary was superceded by a distinct phase of reorganisation to the layout of activity, being cut by an extension of the enclosure seen to surround the second granary/maltings structure at MNL 502. A substantial pit cluster lay partially across/adjacent to a possible entrance to this enclosure and may be contemporary. The identification of a southern boundary on the MNL 598 site suggests that it lies on the edge or periphery of a settlement or rural farmstead, which perhaps has its focus to the west. The finds assemblage indicates that the deposits are related to rural occupation and agricultural activity, although there was no indication of any buildings comparable to the granary buildings at MNL 502.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future No
Associated Identifiers:
Sitecode MNL 598
HER event no. MNL 598
Sitecode MNL 608
Related HER No. MNL 618
Related HER No. MNL 502
HER event no. MNL 608
NMR No. 1532730
Project Type: Recording project
Investigation Type: '''''Open-area excavation'''''
Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPG16
Current Land use: Vacant Land 2 - Vacant land not previously developed
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): PIT Late Iron Age , DITCH Roman, DITCH Late Iron Age , POST-BUILT STRUCTURE Roman, PIT Roman
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): TOILET ARTICLE Roman, BOW BROOCH Roman, COIN Late Iron Age , COIN Roman, COIN Medieval , WORKED FLINT Late Prehistoric, ANIMAL BONE Late Prehistoric, ANIMAL BONE Roman, HUMAN REMAINS Early Bronze Age , QUERN Roman, TILE Roman, POTTERY Roman, POTTERY Early Iron Age, FINGER RING Roman
Area 1.30 Hectares
Grid Reference: TL68997799 Point
Height 4.00 - 5.00 metres
Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body
Design originator: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Field Team
Director/Manager: Jo Caruth
Supervisor: John Craven
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Human Bones', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Media: 'Database', 'GIS', 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Text'
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Human Bones', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Media: 'Context sheet', 'Drawing', 'Map', 'Photograph', 'Plan', 'Section'
Recipient: Suffolk County SMR
Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Human Bones', 'Metal', 'Worked stone/lithics'
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Land adjoining the Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, Mildenhall. MNL 598 and MNL 608.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Craven, J. A.
Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS Report No. 2011/190
Date: 2012
Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS
Place of Issue or Publication: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Description: SCCAS Excavation assessment report.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF54818 Unpublished document: Craven J. 2011. Post-Excavation Assessment Report, Land adjoining the Former Smoke House Inn, Beck Row.
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Record last edited
Oct 19 2016 11:29AM