Site Event/Activity record ESF21903 - Excavation, Eastern Triangle, Ipswich, (IAS 5903).

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Location Eastern Triangle, Ipswich.
Grid reference Centred TM 1663 4413 (55m by 49m)
Map sheet TM14SE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



PROJECT DETAILS Occupation of the site began in the Late Anglo-Saxon period (c. 850-1066), as shown by several large pits and an inhumation that was probably from the same period. Residual human bone in nearby features suggests that the burial was part of a small cemetery. During the 12th-13th century clay-and-timber buildings were constructed in the southern part of the site. These were perpendicular to Key Street, suggesting that it might have had earlier origins than has been supposed previously. In the late medieval period two cellared, masonry buildings were constructed on the Key Street frontage. One of them, known from the early 17th century as the Gun Inn, was a substantial structure measuring 18.5m long x 7m wide, with walls up to 0.60m thick. The other building was smaller and is assumed to have been a merchant's house. During the post-medieval period the Key Street frontage was developed intensively, while areas to the rear were retained as yards and gardens where quarries, cesspits and wells were dug. Many of these features dated from the Tudor period and produced significant finds assemblages that include imported Dutch pottery and building materials; these support documentary evidence for a significant Dutch presence in Ipswich from at least the 15th century. The 'merchant's house' survived until the early 20th century. The Gun Inn was rebuilt in the late 19th century as the Gun public house, which survived (as the Gun Café) until the 1980s when Cranfield's Mill redeveloped the entire site as a lorry park. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future No Associated Identifiers: HER event no. IPS 605 Sitecode IAS 5903 NMR No. 1569945 Project Type: Recording project Investigation Type: ''''Open-area excavation'''' Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Monument Type(s)/Period(s): PIT Early Medieval , BUILDING Medieval , MERCHANT'S HOUSE Medieval , INN Medieval , CESS PIT Post Medieval , BUILDING Post Medieval , BURIAL Early Medieval Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): SLAG Post Medieval , METALWORKING CERAMIC Post Medieval , SKATE Early Medieval , MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Medieval , WORKED FLINT Late Prehistoric, TOBACCO PIPE Post Medieval , BUILDING MATERIAL Post Medieval , BUILDING MATERIAL Medieval , TOKEN Post Medieval , POTTERY Medieval , POTTERY Early Medieval , POTTERY Post Medieval PROJECT LOCATION Area 1570.00 Square metres Grid Reference: TM16644413 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: K. Wade Director/Manager: Rhodri Gardner Supervisor: Kieron Heard DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: IPS 605 Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Glass', 'Human Bones', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Stratigraphic', 'Survey', 'Textiles', 'Worked bone', 'Worked stone/lithics' Media: 'Text', 'Database', 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Images vector', 'Survey' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: IPS 605 Contents: 'Stratigraphic' Media: 'Context sheet', 'Matrices', 'Plan', 'Report', 'Section' PHYSICAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: IPS 605 Contents: 'Animal Bones', 'Ceramics', 'Environmental', 'Glass', 'Human Bones', 'Industrial', 'Metal', 'Textiles', 'Worked bone', 'Worked stone/lithics' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Eastern Triangle (land between Key Street and Star Lane), Ipswich, IPS 605 (IAS 5903): Archaeological Post-excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design Author(s)/Editor(s): Heard, K Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS report no. 2012/063 Date: 2012 Issuer/Publisher: Suffolk County Council Place of Issue or Publication: Ipswich Description: A4, 113 pages, wire bound. Separate volume of appendices (A4, 177 pages, wire bound)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Heard, K.. 2012. Archaeological Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design, Eastern Triangle, Ipswich.

Related Monuments/Buildings (10)

  • Area of Medieval Buildings (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Cess Pit (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Eastern Triangle, Ipswich, (IAS 5903). (Monument)
  • Hearth G2264 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Merchant's House (Monument)
  • Well (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Well 2155 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Well 2271 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Well 2272 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Well 2273 (Ipswich UAD child record)

Record last edited

May 8 2017 12:03PM

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