Site Event/Activity record ESF22005 - Monitoring, Moat House, Castle Street, Framlingham, Suffolk

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Grid reference Centred TM 2875 6355 (25m by 8m)
Map sheet TM26SE



John Newman Archaeological Services


Not recorded.



PROJECT DETAILS : Framlingham, Moat House, 31 Castle Street (FML 074, TM 2876 6356) Monitoring of trenching works for a rear conservatory revealed a uniform one metre deposit of mid grey clay containing no finds save occasional small fragments of peg tile while the foundation for a side entrance enclosure will be a shallow raft due to its proximity to a large tree, a shallow trench nearby to re-route a pipe was also relatively shallow. It is notable that the site lies on the line of the medieval town bank and ditch as defined by the curving intra-mural Double Street and extra-mural Fore Street to the south and the uniform clay deposit recorded in the conservatory foundation trenches may be on the inner side of the now filled-in ditch close to it junction with the putative bank and the name of the house may reflect this location. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No Associated Identifiers: HER event no. FML 074 NMR No. 1574887 Project Type: Recording project Investigation Type: ''''Watching Brief'''' Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Site status: Conservation Area Current Land use: Other 5 - Garden Monument Type(s)/Period(s): NONE None Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): NONE None PROJECT LOCATION Area 60.00 Square metres Grid Reference: TM28766356 Point Height 43.00 - 44.00 metres PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: John Newman Director/Manager: John Newman Supervisor: John Newman DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk CC Archaeological Service Contents: 'none' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Text' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk CC Archaeological Service Contents: 'none' Media: 'Report' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Moat House, 31 Castle Street, Framlingham, Suffolk- Archaeological Monitoring Report Author(s)/Editor(s): Newman, J Date: 2013 Issuer/Publisher: John Newman Archaeological Services Place of Issue or Publication: Henley, Suffolk Description: Loose bound client report

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Newman J. 2013. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Moat House, Castle Street, Framlingham, Suffolk.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Moat House, Castle Street, Framlingham, Suffolk (Monument)

Record last edited

May 30 2013 3:10PM

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