Site Event/Activity record ESF22290 - Monitoring, Kings Head Hotel, 6 New Market, Beccles, Suffolk
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Location | Kings Head Hotel, 6 New Market |
Grid reference | Centred TM 4221 9036 (32m by 28m) |
Map sheet | TM49SW |
Britannia Archaeology
Not recorded.
Monitoring of foundation trenches for a retaining wall and concrete pad to the rear of the 17th century coaching inn. The monitoring recorded a small area of cobbled surface abutted by brick rubble foundations survived to the south. These overlay an older brick surface dating to the early 19th century which in turn sealed a pit containing a timber post (not in situ) and CBM demolition material. The northern and eastern areas of the site were noted as suffering significant intrusive disturbance in the 19th and 20th centuries. The archaeological evidence therefore points to at least two phases of demolition and redevelopment. Earlier timber structures were demolished and replaced with brick structures and a rough cobbled surface in the early to middle 19th century. These in turn were demolished in the 20th century and replaced first with a tarmac surface and later a concrete surface. The only surviving evidence of earlier structures is a re-deposited timber post. In situ features and finds pre-dating the early 19th century were most likely destroyed or substantially disturbed during modern redevelopment over the last 200 years.
Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes
Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future No
Associated Identifiers:
Sitecode BCC 038
Contracting Unit No. P1013
Planning Application No. DC/10/1242
NMR No. 1581441
Project Type: Recording project
Investigation Type: '''''Watching Brief'''''
Reason for Investigation: National Planning Policy Framework - NPPF
Site status: Conservation Area
Current Land use: Other 15 - Other
Monument Type(s)/Period(s): COACHING INN Post Medieval
Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): TIMBER POST Post Medieval
Area 340.00 Square metres
Grid Reference: TM42219037 Point
Height 0.13 - 0.14 metres
Organisation: Britannia Archaeology Ltd
Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body
Design originator: Matthew Adams
Director/Manager: Timothy Schofield
Supervisor: Matthew Adams
Recipient: Suffolk HER
Contents: 'Stratigraphic', 'Survey'
Media: 'GIS', 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Images vector', 'Text'
Recipient: Suffolk HER
Contents: 'Stratigraphic', 'Survey'
Media: 'Context sheet', 'Drawing', 'Map', 'Microfilm', 'Photograph', 'Plan', 'Report', 'Section', 'Survey '
Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript)
Title: Kings Head Hotel, 6 New Market, Beccles, Suffolk; Archaeological Monitoring
Author(s)/Editor(s): Adams, A.
Other Bibliographic Details: R1016
Date: 2012
Issuer/Publisher: Britannia Archaeology Ltd
Place of Issue or Publication: Stowmarket, Suffolk
Description: Bound A4 report and A3 figures.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SSF55302 Unpublished document: Adams, M.. 2012. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Kings Head Hotel, 6 New Market, Beccles, Suffolk.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- BCC 083 Post-medieval cobbled surface; Kings Head Hotel, 6 New MArket, Beccles (Monument)
Record last edited
Jul 11 2022 10:59AM