Site Event/Activity record ESF23544 - Desk-Based Assessment - Harp Close Meadow, Sudbury

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Grid reference Centred TL 8788 4208 (231m by 360m)
Map sheet TL84SE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



This archaeological desk based assessment (DBA) has been undertaken in response to a proposal to redevelop the PDA. This DBA includes an examination of the Suffolk Historic Environment Record (HER), an aerial photographic survey and a historic map and documentary search. The results of this DBA suggest there is a moderate potential for encountering later prehistoric archaeological remains. There is also a moderate potential for encountering remains associated with the Second World War army camp in the western corner of the PDA. The potential of any archaeological remains present within the PDA to be preserved is thought to be high. Depending upon the proposed ground works archaeological mitigation could require a geophysical survey and evaluation trenches to identify and assess the character, density and depth of the archaeological deposits present and/or the monitoring of the ground works as they take place. The results of this evaluation would inform the decisions of the Council Planning Archaeologist to determine the need and scope for the next stage of archaeological works which could include full-scale excavation. Consultation with the County Council Planning Archaeologist should be at the earliest possible opportunity, as archaeological investigations can have considerable time and cost implications. This consultation will determine the actual program of archaeological works that would need to be carried out, which could include full-scale excavation. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future Yes Associated Identifiers: HER event no. SUY 117 Contracting Unit No. 2010/203 NMR No. 1601270 Project Type: Desk based assessment Development Type: Not recorded Methods and Techniques: 'Documentary Search', 'Aerial Photography - interpretation', 'Visual Inspection' Reason for Investigation: Direction from Local Planning Authority - PPS Current Land use: Grassland Heathland 5 - Character undetermined PROJECT LOCATION Area 0.5 Kilometres Grid Reference: TL87894208 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Sarah Poppy Director/Manager: Jo Caruth Supervisor: James Rolfe DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service ID: SUY 117 Contents: 'other' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Text' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service ID: SUY 117 Contents: 'other' Media: 'Report' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, Harps Close Meadow, Sudbury, Suffolk Author(s)/Editor(s): Rolfe, J. Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS Report No. 2010/203 Date: 2010 Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS Place of Issue or Publication: Bury St Edmunds Description: A4, comb-bound, white card covers, in colour.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Rolfe, J. 2010. Desk-Based Assessment - Harp Close Meadow, Sudbury.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Undated Ditch and feature at Harp Close Meadow, Sudbury (Monument)
  • WWII searchlight encampment and associated army huts at Harp Close Meadow (Monument)

Record last edited

Feb 4 2025 11:16AM

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