Site Event/Activity record ESF23696 - Excavations, Greyfriars Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5201, IAS 5202).

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Location Greyfriars Road, Ipswich
Grid reference Centred TM 1629 4410 (58m by 35m) (3 map features)
Map sheet TM14SE





Not recorded.



Circumstances of excavation The ‘Stoke Bridge and Approaches’ road scheme, included the construction of a new Anglian Water storm water relief system under the new road in 1982. It ran from west to east along Star Lane to its junction with Greyfriars Road, and then south to the river west of Stoke Bridge. The north‐south soil strip, prior to the pipe trenching, revealed a number of pits and a potential sunken featured building. Site constraints Ipswich Borough Council granted the Suffolk Archaeological Unit permission to excavate the area over the course of a weekend, when the site was not operational. In view of the time constraint, the outline of 11 features over an area 13.5m x 4.5m were planned, and following a brief assessment of their date, six contexts were selected for excavation.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: Wade, K. 2013. Ipswich Archive Site Summary, Site name: Greyfriars Road.
  • --- Unpublished document: Wade, K. 2014. Ipswich Archive Site Summaries, Site name: Greyfriars Road / St Peter’s Street.

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

  • Building 0003 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Ditch 0006 (Ipswich UAD child record)
  • Greyfriars Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5201). (Monument)
  • Greyfriars Road/St. Peters Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5202). (Monument)

Record last edited

Feb 4 2025 10:17AM

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