Site Event/Activity record ESF26692 - Monitoring: Works Associated with the provision of a new electricity supply, Landguard Fort, Felixtowe (FEX 064)

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Grid reference Centred TM 2839 3191 (3m by 3m)
Map sheet TM23SE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



A watching brief to monitor contracting work on two separate electrical contracts involving below ground excavation within the scheduled area. Within the fort a trench was excavated, linking an existing electricity cable pit to a new electricity cabinet; while outside the perimeter wall of the fort, new cabling was laid below ground from an existing electricity supply on the beach, entering the outer defences and the scheduled area from the south-east.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Sparkes, K. & Loader, T.. 1996. Archaeological Monitoring Report: Works Associated with the provision of a new electricity supply, Landguard Fort, Felixtowe (FEX 064).

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Landguard Fort complex, post 1720 (PMed) (Monument)

Record last edited

Jan 30 2025 2:59PM

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