Site Event/Activity record ESF27096 - Monitoring and Palaeoenvironmental Survey, A12 Flood Alleviation Scheme Blythburgh, Suffolk

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Location blb 092: A12 Flood Alleviation Scheme
Grid reference TM 4520 7560 (point)
Map sheet TM47NE



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



PROJECT DETAILS Monitoring of works to alleviate flooding on a stretch of the A12 at Blythburgh. Works primarily involved raising earthworks although some drainage work, including excavation of a drainage ditch, was monitored but with no significant results. Palaeoenvironmental Survey also undertaken which indicated peat beds to a maximum depth of 6.6m bgl. RC dating suggest deposition from Late Mesolithic period through to Middle Anglo-Saxon period. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous Yes, Future No Associated Identifiers: HER event no. BLB092 NMR No. 1589819 Project Type: Recording project Investigation Type: '''''Salvage Record''''' Reason for Investigation: National Planning Policy Framework - NPPF Current Land use: Other 12 - Verge Monument Type(s)/Period(s): DEPOSIT SEQUENCE None Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): POLLEN None, PLANT MACRO REMAINS None PROJECT LOCATION Area 2.00 Hectares Grid Reference: TM45207569 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Field Team Director/Manager: Rhod Gardner Supervisor: Mark Sommers DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: BLB092 Contents: 'other' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Text' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Suffolk County SMR ID: BLB092 Contents: 'other' Media: 'Correspondence', 'Report' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Archaeological Monitoring and Palaeoenvironmental Survey Report: A12 Flood Alleviation Scheme Blythburgh, Suffolk Author(s)/Editor(s): Sommers, M. Other Bibliographic Details: SCCAS 2014/093 Date: 2014 Issuer/Publisher: SCCAS Place of Issue or Publication: Ipswich Description: printed sheets of A4 paper with cards covers and plastic comb binding

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Sommers M. 2014. Monitoring and Palaeoenvironmental Survey Report, A12 Flood Alleviation Scheme Blythburgh, Suffolk.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Peat deposits, A12 Flood defence Scheme, Blythburgh, (Mesolithic-Middle Saxon). (Monument)

Record last edited

Dec 6 2019 10:42AM

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