Monument record BUC 024 - Possible round barrow of Bronze-Age date, visible as a ring ditch cropmark.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 2346 4187 (64m by 46m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | TM24SW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Ring ditch. Single circle, circa 30m diameter, W of ring ditch group (BUC 002, 003, 021-023) & within cropmark complex BUC 012 (S1)(S2). Formerly part of BUC 012.
The site of a possible Round Barrow of Bronze Age date is visible as a crop mark ring ditch at circa TM234418, Foxhall parish. The ditch appears to be between 1.5 and 2.5 metres in width and encloses an area up to 34 metres in diameter. The ring ditch is to the east of the cropmark complex BUC 012, but probably predates the field system. It may be part of a cemetary complex located circa 200 metres to the east (see BUC 002, 003, 021-023). (S4)
Sources/Archives (6)
- <S1> SSF17492 (No record type): RCHME, AP TM 2341/7/301, June 1976.
- <M1> SSF41026 (No record type): APs: RCHME TM 2341/7/301; SAU ACS 27, 28, AGF 17, 18, ACX 12, ACQ 23, 26, 27.
- <S2> SSF18701 (No record type): SAU, APs ACS 27, 28, July 1975; AGF 17, 18, July 1977; ACX 12, June 1976; ACQ 23, 26, 27, July 1975.
- <M2> SSF50031 Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP CJB 79.
- <S3> SSF50031 Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP, AP CJB 79, 27 June 1979.
- <S4> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2342/27/319 (SF1658) 12-JUL-1979.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Nov 23 2018 11:51AM