Monument record RLM 098 - According to Bede, the seat of East Anglian Royal House of Wuffingas was at Rendlesham
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Grid reference | Centred TM 32 53 (1000m by 1000m) |
Map sheet | TM35SW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
According to Bede, the seat (Vicus regius) of East Anglian Royal House of Wuffingas was at Rendlesham in c. AD660 (S1)(S2)(R1)(R2).
Bede Historia Ecclesiastica book 3 ch 22 (translation from Penguin edition 1955):
' Sigbert was succeeded as king [of the East Saxons] by Swidhelm, son of Sexbald, who had been baptised by Cedd in the province of the East Angles at the king’s country seat of Rendlesham, that is Rendil’s House; his godfather was Aethelwald King of the East Angles.'
' Successit autem Sigeberto in regnum Suidhelmus, filius Sexbaldi, qui baptizatus est ab ipso Cedd in provincia Orientalium Anglorum, in vico regio, qui dicitur Rendelsham, id est, Mansio Rendili; suscepitque eum ascendentem de fonte sancto Ethelwaldus rex ipsius gentis Orientalium Anglorum, frater Annæ regis eorundem.'
No precise site is known.
Formerly recorded as RLM MISC
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Record last edited
May 21 2020 8:36AM