Monument record BSE 097 - Kings Road Mill
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Grid reference | Centred TL 8475 6415 (50m by 50m) |
Map sheet | TL86SW |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Remains of mill house and site of Kings Road windmill, small four storey smock mill with two storey base. Built in the early C19, it ceased work in the 1900s and was demolished circa 1913. There were four double shuttered patent sails and a fantail and the cap was `beehive' shaped. The foundations can be seen in the garden of the house on the site (S1)(S2)(S3).
The early C19 mill may have been built on an earlier site as a windmill is shown at approximate location on John Ogilby's mpa of 1675 (S4).
2013: mill base is now under knot garden in front of standing former mill house (with later additions). Mill house is still partly in situ, with c20th additions. Internal basement has significant ceiling beams, probably 19th century or earlier. Possibly a Listable building. Unclear how much of rest of structure is as old but clearly same structure as depicted on OS 1880s and later maps (earlier ones not checked).
Sources/Archives (6)
- <M1> SSF39798 (No record type): Mills file: (S1)(S2)(S3).
- <S1> SSF50128 Bibliographic reference: Dolman, P. 1978. Windmills in Suffolk: a contemporary survey.
- <S2> SSF6486 (No record type): Flint B, Suffolk Windmills, 1979, 131.
- <S3> SSF5280 (No record type): Dolman P C J, list of windmills on maps, undated.
- <S4> SSF50054 Map: Ogilby John, Britannia, 1675, CUL.
- <S5> SSF59794 Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Mar 12 2021 3:16PM