Monument record TDD 009 - Hill Farm Reservoir
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Grid reference | Centred TL 5749 2696 (226m by 282m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TL52NE |
Type and Period (5)
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Early Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 1501 BC)
- OCCUPATION SITE (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- PIT (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- HEARTH? (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- PIT (Iron Age - 800 BC? to 42 AD?)
Full Description
February/March 1991: fieldwalking survey prior to insertion of water pipeline located slight concentration (greater than background presence) of worked flint at base of slope. Scatter included 17 worked and 2 burnt flints. Quick traverses only, no detailed assessment (S1 & S2).
1998: Evaluation revealed a few isolated features of probable prehistoric date, comprising two small ditches and three pits. A background scatter of flint flakes and blades was also recovered from the top and subsoil (S3).
1998:Monitoring was carried out during the removal of topsoil on the site of a new reservoir. Earlier evaluation at the same side had identified dispersed evidence for Neolithic to Iron Age settlement. Further evidence for Neolithic to Iron Age settlement related activity were encountered, largely concentrated in an area approx 50m square. Large quantifies of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age pottery were recovered, in particular from one pit or hearth like feature indicating occupation of this date at the site. The features were truncated by animal action and agricultural activity, making it likely that any features of a shallow nature may have been destroyed (S4).
Sources/Archives (5)
- <S1> SSF18971 (No record type): SAU, assessment survey, March 1991.
- <M1> SSF39937 (No record type): Thetford Aqueduct Survey archive: (S1).
- <S2> SSF53731 Unpublished document: Caruth, J.. 1995. Archaeological Report, Euston to Cambridge Water Mains Pipeline.
- <S3> SSF51388 Unpublished document: Newman, J.. 1998. Evaluation Report. Hill Farm, Tuddenham.
- <S4> SSF51602 Unpublished document: 1999. Monitoring Report. Hill Farm, Tuddenham.
Finds (6)
- FSF35460: POTTERY (Late Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 3000 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF35462: LAUREL LEAF (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
- FSF35463: SCRAPER (TOOL) (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
- FSF35464: BLADE (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
- FSF35465: CORE (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation, Hill Farm, Tuddenham (ESF21178)
- Event - Survey: Fieldwalking assessment survey- Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline (ESF13194)
- Event - Intervention: Monitoring, Hill Farm Reservoir, Tuddenham (ESF21177)
- Event - Intervention: SAU (CP, JC & DG), assessment survey, February-Mar (ESF17083)
Record last edited
Oct 9 2024 3:51PM