Monument record GSE 029 - Pit containing medieval and post-medieval pottery
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Grid reference | Centred TM 5366 8878 (25m by 25m) |
Map sheet | TM58NW |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
October 1993: Suggestions of a (third) pit indicated by oyster shells" in an infill (modern cut?) situation" on the cliff face some 11ft N of Pit 2 (GSE 028)(though note location on map in S2).
December 1993 & 1994: A third (also see GSE 024), much larger, pit confirmed in cliff face and subsequently partially excavated. Nearly 10ft across and nearly 7ft deep. Finds listed as a lead tracery fragment; 3 iron nails; a horseshoe and an iron key (iron from upper fill); a worn & broken hone- stone; 56 broken or butchered animal bones; 17 fragments of peg tile; 4 bricks; 2 chunks (one large) of lava stone; 3/4 lava quern/mill stone fragments; 2 fragments of a square sandstone mortar; a `curfew chimney' (c. 3" x 3"); about 430 sherds of pottery (including 35 glazed sherds, some of which is Saintonge and some possibly Aardenburg ware, and a semi-glazed globular jug). Details in (S1). All Med, LMed and early PMed(?). Location corrected from TM 537 894 to TM 5365 8878 after (S2), though see first paragraph above.
1995: Further finds from cliff falls etc on beach close to pit 3, mainly from disturbed (2nd World War) areas, include late Thetford ware sherd - details in (S3).
Sources/Archives (3)
- <S1> SSF5414 (No record type): Durbidge P, `More Medieval Pottery from Pakefield, Suffolk', LALHS Annual Report 27, 1994-1995, 13-2.
- <S2> SSF5422 (No record type): Durbidge P, letter to SAU (Pendleton C) & annotated map, February 1996.
- <S3> SSF5408 (No record type): Durbidge P (LALHS), `The Ground Disturbance and Pottery adjacent Pit 3', Ann Rep LALHS, 1996/97, 4-6.
Finds (11)
- FSF20712: POTTERY (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20713: QUERN (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20714: ANIMAL REMAINS (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20715: KEY (LOCKING) (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20716: MORTAR (VESSEL) (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20717: HORSESHOE (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20718: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20719: WHETSTONE (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20720: ROOF TILE (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20721: BRICK (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)
- FSF20722: POTTERY THETFORD (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 850 AD? to 1100 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Jun 18 2014 9:35AM