Monument record DUN 009 - Temple Hill
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Grid reference | Centred TM 4785 7020 (25m by 25m) |
Map sheet | TM47SE |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Temple Hill.
Mound marked as a`Tumulus' on the 1:10560 map (1882-3)(S1)(S2). 1935: Excavation by H E P Spencer showed that the mound was built over the rampart of the town ditch or Pales Dyke (DUN 013). the mound was then 20ft high and 60ft in diameter. Several streaks and patches of black carbonaceous material was found on the side of the mound and running into the adjacent ditch of the Pales Dyke. This added weight to the suggestion that this was a look-out point or beacon and a part of the medieval town defences of Dunwich. The name Temple Hill refers to the now destroyed preceptory of the Knights Templars, which was nearby. The pottery recovered was dated C13-C14 and included green glazed fine ware (S3)(S4).
Basil Brown records `since these excavations, a little later (it is believed after the war) a RAF man did some excavating and found some gold or gilt fragments. The whole area is now under the sea and apparently well covered by sand, 1952' (S5).
Sources/Archives (7)
- <S1> SSF15196 (No record type): OS, map 1:10560, 1st ed, sheet 40SW.
- <M1> SSF50035 Unpublished document: Basil Brown. Basil Brown Archive. Basil Brown archive: card index.
- <S2> SSF54455 Bibliographic reference: 1911. Victoria County History, Suffolk (VCH). 626.
- <S3> SSF21483 (No record type): Spencer H E P, `Notes on the excavation of Temple Hill, Dunwich, Dec 1935', PSIA, 22, 1935, (2), 198.
- <S4> SSF50070 Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card Dunwich Temple Hill, undated.
- <S5> SSF50035 Unpublished document: Basil Brown. Basil Brown Archive. Brown B, index card 109.
- <S6> SSF50035 Unpublished document: Basil Brown. Basil Brown Archive. Basil Brown archive: card index.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Interpretation: 'Sensitivity to Access' assessment for Natural England Coastal Access project, February 2016. (ESF23524)
- Event - Intervention: Excavated by Anon (RAF) (Ref: DUN 009) (ESF16092)
- Event - Intervention: Excavated by IPSMG (Spencer H E P) (Ref: IPSMG (Spencer H E P)) (ESF15684)
- Event - Survey: Survey by OS 1:10560 (Ref: OS 1:10560) (ESF14574)
Record last edited
Jul 20 2022 1:27PM