Farmstead record TNN 014 - Farmstead: Tannington Lodge
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Grid reference | Centred TM 2539 6771 (158m by 163m) |
Map sheet | TM26NE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
Tannington Lodge occupies an exceptionally well-preserved moated site in open countryside approximately 1 km east of the parish church. The property was known as Moat Farm at the beginning of the 19th century but may be equated with the medieval manor of Osberns and appears to lie within a much larger rectangular enclosure of a type associated with high-status settlement. The present farmhouse is a grade II-listed building dated in the Schedule to the 17th century but possibly older. The timber-framed and weatherboarded farm buildings form a picturesque group which complements the medieval landscape but are not of special historic interest in themselves. They include a mid-19th century threshing barn of five bays with an 18th century porch that belonged to its predecessor and a stable that probably remains in situ from the 17th century but was largely rebuilt in the mid-19th century. A shelter-shed of brick and timber was added to the site in the late-19th century and two open sheds adjoining the stable are additions or reconstructions of the mid-20th century. The barn retains part of a staggered butt-purlin roof that was designed for its present pantiles but the steeply pitched roof of the stable, which retains evidence of red-ochre pigment beneath the late-19th century tar of its weatherboarding, was initially thatched. Both structures were heavily altered in the 20th century and the hay loft of the stable had largely collapsed by the time of inspection (S1).
Tannington Lodge, Tannington. 19th century farmstead and 17th century farmhouse. Regular courtyard L-shaped plan formed by working agricultural buildings, with additional deatched elements. The farmhouse is set away from the yard. Partial loss (less than 50%) of the traditional farm buildings. Located within an isolated position (S2-7).
Recorded as part of the Farmsteads in the Suffolk Countryside Project. This is a purely desk-based study and no site visits were undertaken. These records are not intended to be a definitive assessment of these buildings. Dating reflects their presence at a point in time on historic maps and there is potential for earlier origins to buildings and farmsteads. This project highlights a potential need for a more in depth field study of farmstead to gather more specific age data.
Sources/Archives (7)
- <S1> SSF50715 Unpublished document: Alston, L.. 2010. Historic Building Record: The Farm Buildings, Tannington Lodge, Tannington, Suffolk.
- <S2> SSF59079 Unpublished document: Campbell, G., and McSorley, G. 2019. SCCAS: Farmsteads in the Suffolk Countryside Project.
- <S3> SXS50088 Map: Ordnance Survey. 1880s. Ordnance Survey 25 inch to 1 mile map, 1st edition.
- <S4> SXS50094 Map: Ordnance Survey. c 1904. Ordnance Survey 25 inch to 1 mile map, 2nd edition. 25".
- <S5> SSZ54999 Vertical Aerial Photograph: various. Google Earth / Bing Maps.
- <S6> SXS50102 Map: Ordnance Survey. 1949. Ordnance Survey 6 inch to 1, mile, 3rd edition. 1:10,560.
- <S7> SSF60021 Map: 1841. Tannington Tithe Map.
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Record last edited
May 5 2021 10:15AM