Monument record WGN 038 - Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age activity and undated features at Worlington Quarry, Worlington
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Grid reference | Centred TL 6964 7156 (128m by 82m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | TL67SE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
2010: An archaeological monitoring was carried out at Worlington Quarry, Worlington during the removal of topsoil and identified a small Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age flint-working hollow (S1). Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2010 (S2).
2012: Monitoring of a second topsoil strip at Worlington Quarry, Worlington, in Suffolk, revealed evidence of an undated ditch and two undated pits/hearths. The pits/hearths are possibly extensions of the later prehistoric/Bronze Age activity seen in the general area. Two large spreads of material were also recorded. These were largely natural, although one was also derived from a pig wallow and high levels of modern disturbance. Excluding this the natural subsoil was largely undisturbed (S2, S4).
2010:An archaeological monitoring was carried out at Worlington Quarry, Worlington during the removal of topsoil a single shallow undated pit. No artefacts were recovered from the topsoil or feature (S3).
2011: Archaeological monitoring during this phase of topsoil stripping revealed evidence of two pits and one hearth, of probable later prehistoric date, which between them contained two struck flints, several heated flints and charcoal. Four large modern pits were also recovered and partially excavated and are believed to relate to farming or quarrying activities (S5).
Sources/Archives (5)
- --- SSF62037 Unpublished document: Brooks, R. 2011. Archaeological Monitoring Report - Worlington Quarry, 2011 Phase.
- <S1> SSF53606 Unpublished document: Muldowney, M.. 2010. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Worlington Quarry, Worlington, WGN 038.
- <S2> SSF54886 Unpublished document: Brooks R. 2012. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Worlington Quarry, 2011 Phase Part 2, Worlington.
- <S2> SSF55373 Article in serial: Brown, A., Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J.. 2011. Archaeology in Suffolk 2010. XXXXII (3).
- <S4> SSF61962 Unpublished document: Muldowney, E. 2009. Archaeological Monitoring Report - Worlington Quarry, Worlington.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Monitoring - Worlington Quarry, 2011 Phase, Worlington (ESF30464)
- Event - Intervention: Monitoring - Worlington Quarry, Worlington (ESF30351)
- Event - Intervention: Monitoring, Worlington Quarry, 2011 Phase Part 2, Worlington (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-111888) (ESF21902)
- Event - Intervention: Worlington Quarry, Worlington (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-81422) (ESF20600)
Record last edited
Jan 21 2025 4:04PM