Monument record BSE 175 - Lathbury Institute, Church Row
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Grid reference | Centred TL 5853 2647 (46m by 36m) |
Map sheet | TL52NE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
This evaluation found evidence of some medieval and early post-medieval activity on the site indicated by pits and feature particularly in the SW corner of the site. It also found evidence of a lost post-medieval boundary and possible quarrying activity. However, generally, there was only a small amount of pottery recovered which suggests that the area was not a centre for domestic occupation in either the medieval or early post-medieval periods. The depth of overburden was unexpected and seems to show large scale dumping of material in this area in the later post-medieval period; this seems to correspond with the boundary change implied by the wall and may be contemporary with the development of these streets in the 19th century (S1).
The monitoring of footing trenches during the construction of four houses uncovered evidence for at least fifteen pits. A small proportion of the spoil was seen during excavation and two sherds of pottery were recovered. Only one sherd was stratified in a pit but both were medieval coarseware and are dated 12th -13th century (S2).
Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2003 (S3).
Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 1999 (S4).
Sources/Archives (4)
- <S1> SSF51614 Unpublished document: Caruth, J.. 1999. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Lathbury Institute, Bury St Edmunds.
- <S2> SSF51262 Unpublished document: Tester, A.. 2003. Archaeological Monitoring Report, Lathbury Institute., Bury St Edmunds.
- <S3> SSF55366 Article in serial: Martin, E.A., Pendleton, C. & Plouviez, J.. 2004. Archaeology in Suffolk 2003. XXXX (4).
- <S4> SSF55362 Article in serial: Martin, E.A., Pendleton, C., Plouviez, J. & Thomas, G.. 2000. Archaeology in Suffolk 1999. XXXIX (4).
Finds (3)
- FSF34759: POTTERY (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- FSF34760: POTTERY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF34761: ANIMAL REMAINS (Undated)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Aug 2 2024 3:13PM