Monument record ERL 217 - RAF Lakenheath, Halifax Street, Eriswell
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Grid reference | Centred TL 7276 8014 (179m by 47m) |
Map sheet | TL78SW |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
An archaeological evaluation carried out in advance of the demolition of a housing estate centered on Halifax Street, RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell demonstrated that, despite the site's recent landuse, the natural subsoil surface and elements of the original topography, together with potential archaeological horizons, were relatively intact. Evidence of past human activity prior to the 20th century however was slight across the majority of the site, particularly when compared to the multi-period sites known immediately to the north, west and south. However isolated activity in the Iron Age was identified, together with evidence of early Roman activity in two small areas. The date of the finds material suggests that this Roman activity is contemporary with activity seen at ERL 147 to the south, but earlier than the 2nd/3rd century occupation known to the west. The trenching has demonstrated that the site clearly appears to lie beyond the eastern edge of this latter site (S1).
Sources/Archives (1)
- <S1> SSF54132 Unpublished document: Craven, J,. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation Report, RAF Lakenheath, Halifax Street, Eriswell.
Finds (3)
- FSF35442: POTTERY (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF35443: LITHIC IMPLEMENT (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF35444: POTTERY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Oct 9 2023 1:02PM