Monument record EYE 111 - Hartismere Hospital Evaluation, Eye

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Evaluation identified Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and post medieval features and finds, see description for details.


Grid reference Centred TM 6141 274e (96m by 88m)
Map sheet TM62NW


Type and Period (6)

Full Description

2011: Geophysical survey did not identify any definitive archaeological anomalies. A well-defined linear negative response indicates the presence of a stone wall, drain or non-ferrous services. Weak parallel trends indicate former agricultural practices but are too narrowly spaced to represent ridge and furrow. A few other isolated, weak short linear and pit type anomalies have been recorded. None form patterns suggetsing an obvious archaeological source. (S1)

2012: An initial phase of evaluation trenching was carried out at Hartismere Hospital, Eye, Suffolk, to the south of the existing buildings and within the garden area. Twelve trenches were excavated, of which three were disturbed, two were blank and the rest contained features. Another phase of evaluation is required after the demolition of four additional buildings. A phase of later medieval/post-medieval quarrying and other activity was indicated by several large pits and a ditch, which mainly produced CBM. Earlier occupation was characterised by small pits, ditches and a gravel spread, which are thought to probably be Roman and/or Early Anglo-Saxon, but may be of later prehistoric date. Finds from these periods include prehistoric flint and Iron Age pottery, Early Anglo-Saxon pottery and a brooch, and Roman pottery. Small quantities of animal bone were also present. The archaeological levels to the west of the three disturbed trenches were generally well preserved, often below several layers of imported or redeposited topsoil. It has been recommended that the area of the main building and potentially any areas of landscaping be excavated prior to development on the site (S2).

Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2011 (S5).

2014: An excavation in advance of construction of a new care home. The site is a short distance east of the previously-excavated early Anglo-Saxon settlement at Hartismere High School (EYE 083). A large part of the excavation area had been truncated by post-medieval quarrying. However, an Early Iron Age (800-350 BC) pit was present in the north of the stripped area. The pit contained a fairly large assemblage (83 sherds; 995g) of pottery from up to six different vessels. The pottery is almost exclusively flint-tempered and includes both plain and decorated sherds. The composition and character of the pottery is similar to that found in the pit groups associated with two roundhouses at the adjacent site at Hartismere High School, and to that from Flixton Quarry, 25km away in the Waveney Valley. Additional Early Iron Age sherds, as well as later prehistoric struck flints, were found residually in later features, suggesting that activity during this period was more widespread than the single surviving feature. The post-medieval quarry also contained a small quantity of residual early Anglo-Saxon (5th-7th-century) pottery. Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2014 (S3). Full report to follow.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Stephens, C.. 2011. Geophysical Survey Report: Hartismere Hospital, Castleton Way, Eye.
  • <S2> Unpublished document: Brooks, R. 2012. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Hartismere Hospital Evaluation, Eye, EYE 111.
  • <S3> Article in serial: Minter F & Plouviez J. 2015. Archaeology in Suffolk 2014, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.
  • <S4> Unpublished document: Hinman, M.. 2014. Excavation - Land at the Former Hartismere Hospital, Eye.
  • <S5> Article in serial: Brown, A., Martin, E.A. & Plouviez, J.. 2012. Archaeology in Suffolk 2011. XXXXII (4).

Finds (10)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

Aug 6 2024 2:54PM

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