Monument record LCS 218 - Bronze Age/Early Iron Age settlement activity at Land south of Red House Lane, Leiston
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Grid reference | Centred TM 4498 6175 (256m by 413m) |
Map sheet | TM46SW |
Type and Period (7)
- DITCH (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- CINERARY URN (Middle Bronze Age - 1600 BC to 1001 BC)
- FIELD BOUNDARY (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- DITCHED ENCLOSURE (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- ROUND HOUSE (DOMESTIC) (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- PIT (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- FIELD BOUNDARY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Full Description
2015: A detailed gradiometry survey was conducted over approximately 8.2ha of agricultural land. The survey has identified a former enclosure of unknown date. All of the other anomalies detected are modern in origin, relating to modern agricultural activity, ferrous objects and fencing (S1).
2016: Trial trench evaluation identified evidence for middle-late Bronze Age to earlier Iron Age settlement activity. The features include a single middle Bronze Age urned cremation, several ditches representing field boundaries and two curvilinear ditch terminals which could be possible roundhouses and three pits within a large ditched enclosure. The remains suggest the presence of perhaps two phases of Middle-Late Bronze Age field systems associated with sporadic settlement remains. A total of 13 pieces of struck flint were recovered and burnt flint. The burnt flint was recovered from one of the pits which could be indicative of hearth waste. A small assemblage of prehistoric pottery comprising 36 sherds were recovered dating from Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age. Further excavation has been recommended. A Post medieval field boundary ditch was also recorded crossing the middle of the site on a north to south alignment. It is marked on 1882-1884 OS map and is still in existence during the 1938 however by 1958 the ditch is no longer visible on cartographic material (S2).
2018: Excavation revealed part of a Middle Bronze Age settlement in the form of two separate ditched enclosures. The features yielded almost exclusively sherds of Deverel-Rimbury pottery that were radiocarbon dated by associated short-lived species charcoal to the 14th–13th century cal. BC. Residual Early Bronze Age pottery and flintwork also demonstrated earlier occupation in the environs of the site. There was an almost complete lack of datable evidence for Late Bronze Age activity, suggesting the settlement was either abandoned or shifted to a new location by this period.
Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2018. (S4)
2015:Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2015. (S5)
Sources/Archives (5)
- <S1> SSF57972 Unpublished document: Richardson, T.. 2015. Geophysical Survey, Leiston, Suffolk.
- <S2> SSF57855 Unpublished document: Lees, M.. 2016. Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation, Land at Red House Lane, Leiston, Suffolk.
- <S3> SSF59050 Unpublished document: Clarke, G.. 2019. Excavation Report: Land South of Red House Lane, Leiston.
- <S4> SSF59230 Article in serial: Minter, F., Rolfe, J. and Saunders, A.. 2019. Archaeology in Suffolk 2018, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.
- <S5> SSF56326 Article in serial: Minter, F. 2016. Archaeology in Suffolk 2015.
Finds (7)
- FSF45115: BURNT FLINT (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- FSF45116: FLAKE (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF45117: CORE (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF45118: KNIFE (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF45119: SCRAPER (TOOL) (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 3000 BC to 1501 BC)
- FSF45120: POTTERY (Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age - 1600 BC to 401 BC)
- FSF45121: CREMATION (Middle Bronze Age - 1600 BC to 1001 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation - Land at Red House Lane, Leiston (Ref: OASIS-pre-const1-221622) (ESF23221)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Land south of Red House Lane, Leiston (Ref: OASIS-oxfordar3-290472) (ESF25659)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical Survey - Land south of Red House Lane, Leiston (Ref: OASIS-stratasc1–220996) (ESF23212)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 11:05AM