Ipswich UAD child record record IPS 1324 - Structure 1769
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Grid reference | Centred TM 1330 4719 (18m by 19m) |
Map sheet | TM14NW |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
This was a structure immediately east of the cemetery which was made up of a series of slots and comprised at least two and possibly three phases. It also probably included some postholes and features in the vicinity. Interpretation of it is unclear but it was obviously a structure and possibly a building. The pottery dating suggests that it may have been contemporary with the cemetery. The earlier phase: This comprised east-west slot 0699 and north-south slightly curving slot 0703 which butted up at right angles to it c. 1.6m from the east end of 0699. 0699 was 11.1m long x 0.62m wide x 0.22m deep and filled with brown silty sand. 0699 cut pit 0746. Finds from the fill of 0699 were two sherds of Iron Age pottery, one sherd of Roman pottery and one sherd of Ipswich ware as well as one burnt flint and 200g of slag. 0703 was 7.35m x 0.78m x 0.23m deep and filled with brown and yellow silty sands. This contained 3 sherds of Iron Age and one of Roman pottery and small amounts of animal bone. 0703 changed angle 4m along its length and butted up against 0699 at its north end. It was cut by 0717 at the point where its angle changed. Also possibly associated with this is slot 0711 which curves through 90° at its north end and was cut by slot 0701. This was 12.2m north-south and 3.4m east-west by 0.72m wide and 0.21m deep and filled with brown and yellow silty sand. The fill contained two sherds of Iron Age, one sherd of Roman and two sherds of Thetford ware pottery as well as four burnt flints and a small amount of animal bone. Alternatively this slot could have been later or earlier than 0699 and 0703. The later phase: This was made up of three slots, two east-west aligned (0717 and 0701) and butting opposite to each other with a 0.75m gap and a third, north-south aligned butting at right angles to 0717 c. 0.9m from the gap between 0717 and 0701. 0717 was cut by a modern ditch but the butt end (0837) could be seen on the west side of it. It was 11.1m long x 0.76m wide and 0.22m deep and filled with brown sand. Slot 0701 was 4.9m x 0.4m x 0.25m deep, was filled with grey-brown silty sand and cut by posthole 0518. The full length of slot 0719 could not be determined as it ran into the area of the site which had been under carpark and was truncated, at which point it disappeared but it was at least 10.5 m long. In the part that survived it was up to 0.65m wide x 0.18 m deep and filled with brown sand. There were no finds from 0701, one sherd of Iron Age, two sherds of Roman and one sherd of Thetford ware pottery from 0717 as well as animal bone and worked flints and two sherds of Iron Age pottery from 0719, (S1).
Sources/Archives (1)
- <S1> SSF56402 Unpublished document: Caruth, J. 2015. Archaeological Assessment Report, New Hewlett Packard Building, White House Industrial Estate Ipswich IPS 247.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
May 23 2017 2:31PM