Monument record MRM 025 - Probable Iron-Age and Roman settlement and field boundaries.

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Probable Iron Age and Roman settlement and field systems, Martlesham and Waldringfield parishes


Grid reference Centred TM 273 454 (1076m by 864m) Centred on
Map sheet TM24NE


Type and Period (11)

Full Description

Linear cropmark complex covering a considerable area, with possible rectangular enclosure or enclosures (S1).
September 1994: HER defined area extended further West after (S2).
A complex pattern of probable Iron Age or Roman settlement and field systems can been as cropmarks of ditches on aerial photographs of Martlesham and Waldringfield parishes, centred on TM 2738 4548. The cropmarks cover an area of 0.55 square kilometres. A major trackway can be seen running from TM 27194538 to TM 27534553 on a roughly WSW to ENE alignment. A number of larger rectilinear enclosures forming part of the field system appear to be directly related to this trackway, whilst the majorty of other features follow the same alignment. (S4-S6) A narrower trackway running roughly north to south abutts the western end of the main trackway (S6) and another possible narrow trackway on the same alignment can be seen to the south of the site at TM 27664508 (S7). A number of much smaller rectilinear enclosure focused on TM27614559 and TM 27694550, possibly settlement enclosures, can also be seen on the same alignment as the field system and may be directly related in some cases (S4). In the north-east corner of the site, centred on TM 27714564, the partial cropmark of a sub-circular enclosure can be seen overlapping a number of the adjoining rectilinear enclosures, as mentioned above (S4). This enclosure may represent a different phase of activity and a number of possible large post-holes or pits can also be seen in the vicinity of this enclosure. A large rectilinear, possibly double-ditched, enclosure is visible centred on TM 27534537. It measures 80m by 50m. The enclosure is on a different alignment to the field system above and a number of linear features, possibly field boundaries, appear to be related to the enclosure (S7-S8). There is no visible relationship between the major field system and the rectilinear enclosure. Six ring ditches can also be seen within the area of the field system. The diameters of the circles vary from 4.5m to 12m. Four ring ditches, at TM 27714545, TM 27664545, TM 27604540 and TM 27614539 are most probably hut circles, although how these relate to the field systems and enclosures is unclear. The circle at TM 27604540 has a central pit, although whether this is related to the ring ditch or whether this is background noise is unclear. The northern side of the largest ring ditch (11.5 m), located at TM 27564532, is cut by a linear ditch that may be a part of the main field system, aligned ENE-WSW, suggesting that the ring ditch is earlier than this phase of the site. Another small ring ditch (4.5m) is located at TM 27724529. The majority of components on the site are probably of Iron Age or Roman date, although there are at least two different phases of settlement suggested by the differing alignments of the features. (S7-S9) Linear ditches visible to the north of the site, centred on TM 27064570, are on the same alignment as the main part of the field system but they are less convincing as archaeological features. (S10)

Sources/Archives (14)

  • <S1> (No record type): NMR TM 2745/1 (SFU 11560/FZS/20) 01-JUL-1977.
  • <M1> (No record type): APs: (S1)(S2)(S3)(S10)(S11).
  • <S2> (No record type): SMR OS/93360 033 XX-JUL-1993.
  • <S3> Photograph: Essex County Council. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/18 (EXC 19111/11) (SMR CP/97/32/11) 22-JUL-1997.
  • <S4> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/14 (1767/036) 04-JUN-1980.
  • <S5> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/77126 056 29-AUG-1977.
  • <S6> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/6/281 (SF1258) 12-JUL-1979.
  • <S7> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/11 (4698/20A) 28-MAY-1990.
  • <S8> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/10 (4578/07) 28-MAY-1990.
  • <S9> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/4/270 (SF1658) 12-JUL-1979.
  • <S10> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/2 (SFU 11560/FZ/21) 01-JUL-1977.
  • <S11> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2745/3 (SFU 11560/FZ/22.
  • <S12> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP (BNL114) 22-JUN-1973.
  • <S13> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP (BJQ35) 15-JUL-1972.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Aug 20 2013 9:13AM

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