Monument record BGL 002 - Brightwell Heath
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Grid reference | Centred TM 2405 4446 (51m by 50m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | TM24SW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Round Barrow (site of) (S1).
1935: Very large bowl barrow with conifers on it. Ditch and outer bank present, both very definite (S2).
1953: Irregular mound 33.5m x 29.6m and 2.03m high, built on a slight (0. 3m) natural rise. Much disturbed by tree roots, rabbits and military pits. Trees recently removed. No surface indications of a ditch. Excavated by R Gilyard-Beer for the Ministry of Works 1953, in advance of its destruction for farming purposes. No burials or structures found and no traces of a ditch (section drawings do however show a dip where the ditch would have been expected). Three groups of sherds were found on or near the disturbed surface of the mound. Two mid C19 clay pipe bowls were also found (S3)(R1).
1962: No trace remains of this barrow beyond a sandy patch upon a slight natural rise of ground (S4).
1977: Nothing visible (S5).
1989 & 1992: Visible as cropmark (S6).
1994: Site descheduled (S7).
A Round Barrow of probable Bronze Age date is visible as an earthwork and cropmark on Brightwell Heath, Brightwell parish, on aerial photographs from the 1930s onwards, centred on circa TM240444. It was not possible to use the earliest images for transcription due to the trees on the barrow but this was obtained from later images where it was visible as a cropmark. The site has been transcribed as fully as possible but little detail can be added to the record (S1, S8, S9).
Formerly scheduled.
Sources/Archives (13)
- <R1> SSF12056 (No record type): NMR, Excavation archive, Gilyard-Beer excavation, 1953, microfiche.
- <M1> SSF45364 (No record type): Barrow survey:.
- <S1> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR, AP TM 2344/1 99D 139V, Crawford Collection 6827.
- <M2> SSF45365 (No record type): Excavation archive: publication original plans.
- <S2> SSF7195 (No record type): Grinsell L V, Notes on Suffolk barrows, Ms in Norwich Castle Museum.
- <M3> SSF50073 Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. APs: NMR, TM 2344/1 99D 139V, Crawford Collection 6827.
- <S3> SSF6871 (No record type): Gilyard-Beer R, The Devil's Ring, Brightwell Heath, PSIA 35, (4), 1984, 247-278.
- <S4> SSF50032 Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TM24SW12B.
- <S5> SSF19390 (No record type): SAU, Martin E, 1977.
- <S6> SSF13142 (No record type): OS, APs, 89 045 103 & 92 363 168, 1989 & 1992.
- <S7> SSF5737 (No record type): English Heritage, SAM file 75 No 90727.
- <S8> SSF50066 Photograph: OS, AP. OS OS/89045 104-5 18-MAR-1989.
- <S9> SSF50066 Photograph: OS, AP. OS OS/92363 168-9 27-JUN-1992.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (6)
- Event - Intervention: Excavated by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R} (Ref: DOE (Gilyard-Beer R}) (ESF15767)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by Grinsell L V (Ref: Grinsell L V) (ESF13195)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by OS (Ref: OS) (ESF13641)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by SAU (EM) (Ref: SAU (EM)) (ESF13859)
- Event - Survey: Survey by DOE (Gilyard-Beer R) (Ref: DOE (Gilyard-Beer R)) (ESF14602)
- Event - Interpretation: The Aggregate Landscape of Suffolk: The Archaeological Resource (NMP) (EXS18925)
Record last edited
Mar 6 2012 12:19PM