Monument record BOT 039 - Saxon and medieval activity, Land at Back Hills, Botesdale

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The evaluation identified features from the Saxon and medieval period which are likely associated with the former medieval core fo the village.


Grid reference Centred TM 0512 7632 (238m by 237m)
Map sheet TM07NE


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

Three archaeological phases were encountered at the site. The first phase relates to Saxon activity. Given the sites location and the lack of any other features or finds dating to this period it is likely that this is just a outlying discreet pit possibly for domestic waste disposal. The truncation most likely occurred when the area was turned over to more intensive agriculture and a period of deep ploughing ensued. The second phase related to the post medieval period in particular the two ditches found in the south east of the site at the top of the hill that overlooks the northern extent of the area. Both these ditches bear all the hallmarks of being former boundary ditches used to demarcate the limit of medieval back plots that likely extend from the medieval village core directly to the wouth of the site. The third and final phase at the site relates to late post medieval and modern use of the site for agriculture (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Brook, M.. 2018. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land at Back Hills, Botesdale.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Mar 5 2019 11:17AM

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