Monument record SRL 001 - St Mary's Church (Un)

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? Barrow.


Grid reference Centred TM 107 587 (85m by 119m)
Map sheet TM15NW


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

? Barrow.
"within the yard is a tumulus" (S1)(R1)(R2).
"on the N of the church is an extensive barrow" (R1)(R2)(S1) - near which grey ware was found. For bibliography see SRL 003.
`To the north of the church is an extensive barrow, in the vicinity of which urns of a grey colour are found, and within the churchyard is a tumulus' (S2).

Centred at TM 10805884 and 10.0m north east of St Marys Church,
is a barrow-like mound measuring some 15.0m across with a maximum
height of 0.3m, topped by a small yew tree. The feature lies 200.0m
below the false crest of a gentle southerly slope, surrounded by
much higher ground. This topographic situation casts doubt on the
'tumulus classification. Information obtained from Mr Mascal of the
adjoining Church Farm corroborated by Mr Longwood the curate,
states the feature to be a spoil mound comprising dumped building
rubble from the church tower, which was rebuilt after a fire in the
19th century. No trace of a possible barrow to the north could be
found, although Mr Mascal has found burnt areas and Medieval
pottery in the fields around the church. These finds and slight
non-surveyable disturbances in the fields suggest a small area of
Medieval settlement, of which the present 16th century farmhouse
is the only survivor. (S3)

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <R1> (No record type): Watling H, IPSMG, C19.
  • <S1> Index: OS. OS Card. OS, cards TM15NW19 & 20, 1977.
  • <S2> Bibliographic reference: 1911. Victoria County History, Suffolk (VCH). 317.
  • <R2> (No record type): Fox G E, `Roman Suffolk', Arch J, 57, 1900, 160-161.
  • <S3> Source Unchecked: RCHME?. Various. Field Investigators Comments. F1 GJM 31-JAN-79.
  • <S4> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jun 8 2021 1:48PM

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