Monument record LVM 178 - Culvert, Water Lane, Lavenham

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Culvert, Water Lane, Lavenham. The culvert contains sections of late medieval or early post medieval brickwork but the meandering nature of the sections and the variety of brick used overall indicate that the stream was gradually enclosed into a culvert over a period of time. The exact course of the culvert is unknown. Thie importance of the watercourse lay in its use in the clothe and dyeing industries that made late Medieval Lavenham so prosperous.


Grid reference Centred TL 9170 4912 (369m by 70m)
Map sheet TL94NW


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The survey has enabled a probable route to be mapped but some ambiguities remain as tot he exact course, and its relationship with the 15th century properrties at 55-58 Water Street. There is inconclusive evidence of a single late medieval or early post medieal culvert running underground along the length of Water Street. The available evidence suggests parts of the culvert may contain sections of late medieval or post medieval brickwork. The meandering nature of sections of the culvert and the variety of brick evident in the avaialbe sources indicate that the stream was gradually enclosed over a period of time. Numerous repairs and fabric from a number of different phases of activity are also evidenct, and it is suggested that early sections may have been constructed as individual entities by the owners of adjoining properties during Lavenham's late medieval heyday.

For a monument to be scheduled its extent and survival must be clear so that and area of constraint can be defined. Any scheduling would be complicated by the possibility that houses on Water Street stand over the culverts and therefore the monument is not recommended for scheduling.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jun 23 2021 10:51AM

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