Monument record BRF 185 - OUTLINE RECORD:Iron Age and Roman settlement features and med and post med ditches on Land North Of Tye Lane Bramford (MAG) GEO (RR) EVAL PCA (EVAL)

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Iron Age and Roman settlement features and medieval and Post medieval ditches on Land North Of Tye Lane Bramford


Grid reference Centred TM 1062 4743 (1925m by 799m)
Map sheet TM14NW


Type and Period (0)

Full Description

Archaeological evaluation consisting of 53 trenches. Four concentrations of archaeological features were identified, referred to here as Areas A to D, with further features recorded in the minimal trenching away from these foci. The archaeological remains in Area A comprised a Romano-British metalled trackway with flanking ditches. Area B identified an area of settlement that was likely occupied from the mid- to late Iron Age through to the end of the 1st century AD. The archaeological remains comprised of enclosure ditches, pits, post-holes, possible trackways and a possible ring gully. Area C revealed Iron Age, medieval and post-medieval archaeological remains. Within Area D there was some evidence to tentatively suggest that there was an unenclosed, middle Iron Age phase of activity and residual Transition Period material was also found. However, most of the enclosure ditches, pits, post-holes, occupation layers and trackways dated to the 1st century AD. A small assemblage of 2nd-century AD finds, including Samian ware and Roman tile, was recovered from some features including from within a kiln/furnace base. Environmental samples taken from the kiln suggest that the kiln was not for drying grain and was more likely employed in food production, perhaps baking bread. Occupation of settlement in Area D appears to have continued beyond the abandonment of the settlement in Area B (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Article in serial: Cutler, H., Minter, F. and Rolfe, J.. 2024. Archaeology in Suffolk 2023, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

Dec 4 2024 12:19PM

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