Monument record BCB 001 - Brundon Church (site of)

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Site of Brundon Church.


Grid reference Centred TL 854 416 (50m by 50m)
Map sheet TL84SE


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Site of Brundon Church. Isolated. In ruins by 1740. `Parish church, of only "one pace with the chancel"... having long been swept away and all traces thereof obliterated' (S2).
"No surface indications" (S1)(S2)(R1).
Description of the church as a ruin given in Holman's manuscript c.1718. In a letter of 26 July 1678 following a Parochial visitation, Thomas Cooke wrote from Hadleigh to William Windham, owner of Brundon Hall, asking for contributions to repair the church in which he states `the tiles are most off and then the timber must decay when bad weather comes...'`The Church at present is so much of of repaire as that the people cannot meet in it and so there is a total omission of all divine offices there.' In the endorsed reply Windham states `I mey mededly say there is as little use to bee made of it as of any Parish Church in Ingland having but one dwelling house belong of it' (S3).

From NHRE record:

TL 85404165 Site of (NAT) Brundon Church (NR) (S5) Brundon Church was situated in the east corner of a field, 9 chains south east of Upper Barn. It was mentioned in a decree of 1178 but was in ruins in 1740. (R1) There are now no surface indications to signify this site. No additional information. (S6) TL 854416 Deserted Medieval village of Brundon. Scatter of flint and tile over an area 50ft by 20ft. (S7) Nothing visible on OS air photographs. (S8) The published site of Brundon Church falls on high arable land; no extant remains are visible. No evidence to suggest a village site can be seen. The tile and flint scatter noted by authority 5 is probably debris from the demolished church. A village around the church seems unlikely because of its lack of water, while the present location of the hamlet of Brundon, at TL 864422 alongside the River Stour, seems ideal and an obvious place for settlement. Several cottages date to the 17th century and slight amorphous non surveyable earthworks in a field to the south centred TL 866420, suggest the site to have been well established for some centuries. The church may have been built from the village in a central position to serve a scattered rural community. (S9)

Sources/Archives (12)

  • <S1> Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL84SE4.
  • <R1> (No record type): Hodson W W, History of the Borough of Sudbury, 1896, 219.
  • <S2> Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. PSIA, 7, 1889, 18.
  • <R2> (No record type): Holman William of Halsted, Essex Record Office, T/P 195/13.
  • <S3> (No record type): Ketton-Cremer Collection, Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk Record Office, WKC 6/10.
  • <S4> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
  • <S5> Map: OS. OS Map.
  • <S6> Source Unchecked: RCHME?. Various. Field Investigators Comments. F1 JHO 13-SEP-50.
  • <S7> Bibliographic reference: Deserted Medieval Village Research Group.. 1966. Medieval Village Research Group annual report.
  • <S8> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. APs (OS 74/091 167-8).
  • <S9> Source Unchecked: RCHME?. Various. Field Investigators Comments. F2 GJM 14-DEC-79.
  • <S10> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Mar 4 2021 10:21AM

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