Monument record PKM 006 - Grimstone End (Sax)
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Grid reference | Centred TL 9352 6917 (38m by 37m) |
Map sheet | TL96NW |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
This site, PKM 006, is part of the larger multi-period area covered by PKM 028 at Grimstone End, and was being quarried for gravel whilst excavationbs were taking place so these were often hurried and find spots immediately destroyed. Ipswich Museum excavated on three occasions in the area and Basil Brown spent much time there during the years 1953-1964 and recorded many sites and artefacts from all periods. PKM 006 relates to the ring ditch on the SW edge of Grimstone End near Broadway and shows clearly on APs of the 1950s. The tumulus had been ploughed out and was excavated by Ipswich Museum, with Basil Brown in charge, in 1953. The excavation included an area outside the ring ditch and the whole revealed a multi-period site from Neo to Sax which included burials, cremations, "kiln" floors, huts, and artefacts from all periods.
Sax settlement cutting into barrow ditch on N and W sides and extending outwards. At the time of excavation it was thought that the three inhumations in the barrow were Anglo Saxon - possibly these were BA. One was flexed on right side, one extended on back with worked flint between feet and the third had only fragmentary remains. In the inner ditch was found a quantity of pottery, iron and bronze objects including a C7 buckle, a cruciform brooch and fragments of four bone combs. Complete list of finds in (S3). Three clay floors incorporating Rom tiles and brick were excavated and it was suggested that these might represent primitive clamp kilns. Two hearths and iron slag in the S sector of the ditch suggests that iron working was carried on at the site and the total number of hearths found in the excavated area was eight. Two sets of round loom weights, one in the W sector of the ditch and one outside the E sector of the ditch may well represent sunken featured buildings with material burnt in situ C5-C7 (S1) (S2) (S3) (R1) (R2).
Sources/Archives (6)
- <R1> SSF50031 Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP, AP 80M.
- <M1> SSF50035 Unpublished document: Basil Brown. Basil Brown Archive. Basil Brown archive : volumes, card index, maps, site plans.
- <S1> SSF50035 Unpublished document: Basil Brown. Basil Brown Archive. Brown B - see PKM 028 Rom.
- <S2> SSF50070 Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card 1953-99, 126, 145, 1953.
- <R2> SSF5522 Bibliographic reference: Lawson A J, Martin E A & Priddy D. 1981. The Barrows of East Anglia. (Gaz).
- <S3> SSF50042 Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. PSIA, 26, 1954, 188-207.
Finds (6)
- FSF1443: BUCKLE (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
- FSF1444: CRUCIFORM BROOCH (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
- FSF1445: COMB (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
- FSF1446: POTTERY (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
- FSF1447: LOOMWEIGHT (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
- FSF1448: POTTERS STAMP (Saxon - 410 AD? to 1065 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Apr 7 2020 12:38PM