Monument record BNC 059 - World War II strongpoint.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 53726 83690 (192m by 155m) |
Map sheet | TM58SW |
Type and Period (6)
- FORTIFICATION (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- PILLBOX (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- TRENCH (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- BARBED WIRE OBSTRUCTION (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- EMPLACEMENT (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- BUNKER (Second World War - 1940 AD? to 1945 AD?)
Full Description
A World War II strongpoint is visible in 1940 at TM 537836, on the beach southeast of Beach Farm. The strongpoint comprises a large barbed wire circuit (with access to the northwest and southwest) within which is a large pillbox, possibly of World War I date, as well a number of smaller structures (including an emplacement and trench, possible pillboxes and/or bunkers) further to the east (S1). By 1941, the large pillbox has gone and the barbed wire enclosure has been reduced in size, losing its western 'half' (S2-3). The site has since been eroded away.
Initially numbered as BNC 029 during pilot survey of intertial area. Re-numbered Nov 2004
Sources/Archives (3)
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jun 14 2013 10:09AM