Monument record ADB 066 - A World War II strongpoint and group of bomb craters.

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A World War II strongpoint and group of bomb craters in Aldeburgh parish


Grid reference Centred TM 46280 58494 (169m by 188m)
Map sheet TM45NE


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

A World War II strongpoint is visible on aerial photographs to the north-east of Brick Kiln cottage, on the east of the now dismantled Aldeburgh Branch railway line, centred on circa TM46305851. The strongpoint is composed of two pillboxes and three lengths of slit trench. The pillboxes are located at circa TM46355858 and circa TM46285849. A large, roughly figure-of-eight trench system is located in between the two pillboxes, and is centred on circa TM46305851. A smaller trench, roughly 30m in length is associated with the northernmost pillbox. A 'D' shaped slit trench of circa 30m length is centred on TM46205848. The strongpoint is first visible on aerial photographs of 1943, where it is apparently operating in conjunction with a second strongpoint to the west of the railway tracks (see ADB 067) (S1). They appear to be located to protect the route inland formed by the path along the sea bank immediately to the east (see ADB 107), and the possible threat to the railway line this may have presented. The strongpoint continues in use throughout the war, and is visible on photographs of 1945, probably operating with the Heavy Anti-aircraft Artillery site which has been introduced immediately to the east by this time (S2). Remains of the northernmost pillbox are still visible in 1969, but the trenches appear to have been ploughed away (S3). The bomb craters appear to be formed by bombing runs targetting the strongpoint at some time before December 1943, and as with the trenches the craters are visible until 1969 (S1-3).

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <S1> Photograph: USAAF. USAAF Air Photograph. US/7PH/GP/LOC132 5048-5049 30-Dec-1943.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/929 4307-4308 16-Oct-1945.
  • <S3> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/69011 40-41 10-Mar-1969.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Sep 17 2014 4:43PM

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