Monument record LCS 128 - World War II anti-invasion beach defences.

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World War II anti-invasion beach defences near Sizewell village, Leiston


Grid reference Centred TM 47587 62847 (146m by 375m)
Map sheet TM46SE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

World War II barbed wire obstructions and anti-tank cubes are visible as structures on aerial photographs on the sea-front to the east of Sizewell village, centred on circa TM47526281. On 1940 photography a row of anti tank cubes is visible running along the high ground overlooking the beach, immediately to the east of Sizewell village, from circa TM47516304 to the north to TM47526267 to the south (S1). In 1942 photography it is possible to see two lateral lines of extending towards the beach from the first row cubes at roughly ninety degrees. The northernmost line begins at circa TM47526300 and extends for about 130m eastwards to circa TM47656301. The southernmost extends eastwards for about 135m from the southern end of the original row of cubes, to circa TM47656266. The anti-tank cubes effectively enclose an area of circa 4.5 hectares, overlapping the area demarcated by lines of beach scaffolding surrounding Sizewell village (see LCS 115). The addition by 1941 of complex lines of barbed wire obstruction within the area defined by the anti-tank cubes reinforces the impression that Sizewell village and it's immediate coastal hinterland was a locally important area during the Second World War (S2). Whether this importance extends beyond the role of the coastguard lookout station in this area is not certain, but the quantity of material visible elaborate defences suggests a significant military function. The eastern extremities of the lateral rows of anti-tank cubes are still visible on photography of 1975 (S3).
Also seen as part of field survey of Suffolk Coast - 5 tank blocks, 1 inscribed. S4

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <S1> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 2/BR11/14 13-15 08-Jul-1940.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 2A/BR167 19-20 17-Dec-1941.
  • <S3> Photograph: Meridian Airmaps Ltd. Meridian - Air Photograph. NMR MAL/75038 245-246 07-Jun-1975.
  • <S4> Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. 2003. Assessment Report, Rapid Field Survey of the Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone. Everett 2003.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Aug 12 2013 3:02PM

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