Monument record ORF 100 - Oyster beds of Post-Medieval date are visible on aerial photographs on Havergate Island, Orford parish

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Oyster beds of Post-Medieval date are visible on aerial photographs on Havergate Island, Orford parish


Grid reference Centred TM 41158 47008 (253m by 187m)
Map sheet TM44NW


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Two groups of oyster beds are visible on aerial photographs as earthworks cut into the saltmarsh on the south bank of Havergate island, Orford parish, centred on circa TM41224705. The southernmost group, centred on circa TM41074694, are slightly irregular in shape, but are generally rectangular and on average are about 8 x 4m in size. Their position suggests a Post-Medieval date for their construction but they are not marked on either the first or second edition Ordnance Survey maps of circa 1884 and 1904, and despite being aligned along a small channel or creek in the saltmarsh it is possible that they are naturally occurring features. The second group of six pits, centred on circa TM41234708, is marked on the first edition map of circa 1884, placing them firmly in the Post-Medieval period. However, at this time five of the six are marked in a dashed line suggesting that they are out of use or silted up, with only the sixth, the easternmost, clearly marked. These pits are on average 15 x 5m in size and are arranged in a row, spaced about 3m apart, circa 5m above the high water mark of the ordinary tide. On the circa 1904 second edition the easternmost pit appears to have been truncated by erosion. However, on the early 1940s photography it is possible to see the two westernmost pits clearly, but the remaining four appear to have been partially eroded and almost completely silted up. The pits are remain visible in a similar condition up to photographs of 1971. (S1-S4) SF18068 may be referring to these features.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <S1> Map: Ordnance Survey. 1880s. Ordnance Survey 25 inch to 1 mile map, 1st edition. circa 1884.
  • <S2> Verbal communication: Sarah Newsome. 2001. circa 1904.
  • <S3> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF BR/289 10-11 07-JAN-1942.
  • <S4> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/71156 161-2 02-MAY-1971.
  • <S5> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/71030 18-19 10-APR-1971.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Oct 21 2004 4:56PM

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