Source/Archive record SSF20657 -




SAU, Plouviez J, site report, ERL 049, 1982


Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 15 flakes, simple implements and 3 heat crackled flints. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints, including 5 crude scrapers and a microlith flint. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints, including 5 flint scrapers and a microlith flint. (BA) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 40 pot sherds, mostly a mixture of glazed and unglazed, also a clay pipe bowl and fragment of burnt bone. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 40 pot sherds, mostly a mixture of glazed and unglazed, also a clay pipe bowl and fragment of burnt bone. (Med) (Monument)
  • North of Oak Tree Field, Eriswell (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Field, Eriswell (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a fragment of glass, a clay pipe bowl, an iron and copper handle and 43 mixed pot sherds, some Medieval. (PM (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jan 30 2020 10:29AM

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