Source/Archive record SSF20983 -
Title | |
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Savery E, 1995 & finds report by SAU (EM)
Referenced Monuments (10)
- DBN 068 Concentration of Prehistoric white heat-crackled flints. (Monument)
- DBN 061 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares with a small number of part-glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
- DBN 067 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
- DBN 063 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
- DBN 066 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
- DBN 060 Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery. (Med) (Monument)
- DBN 064 Neathouse Meadow (Monument)
- DBN 062 Neolithic artefact scatter, including a flint willow-leaf shape arrowhead. (Neo) (Monument)
- DBN 060 Small Roman artefact sactter of grey ware sherds amond a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
- DBN 061 Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery among a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
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