Source/Archive record SSF2994 -
Title | |
Author/Originator | |
Date/Year |
Butcher D, 1986
Referenced Monuments (9)
- COR 009 Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including a body sherd of Ipswich ware and a rim sherd of Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
- COR 009 Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a large barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
- COR 006 Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a small barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
- COR 011 Findspot of an Iron-Age body sherd of Belgic pottery. (Monument)
- COR 009 Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including one sherd of flint-gritted pottery found within a Roman pottery scatter. (IA) (Monument)
- COR 006 Neolithic artefact scatter including leaf arrowhead, scrapers and flakes. (Neo) (Monument)
- COR 009 Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints. (Neo) (Monument)
- COR 006 Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery concentrated in the area of some rectilinear cropmarks. (Rom) (Monument)
- COR 009 Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
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