Source/Archive record SSF52129 - Archaeological Evaluation Report. Former Harris Meat Factory, Hadleigh Road, Ipswich

Title Archaeological Evaluation Report. Former Harris Meat Factory, Hadleigh Road, Ipswich
Date/Year 2004
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report 2004/063


aken in advance of outline planning consent, and demonstrated that the site could be divided into three areas. The northern third was characterised by at least 1.5m of modern reclamation deposits, following the redirection of the River Gipping. The central part of the site was heavily truncated by a large complex of 20th century building. The southern part of the site showed little modern truncation, although no archaeological features were encountered. Between the first two disrupted areas natural river terrace gravels with archaeological potential were found to be quite shallow, and a single prehistoric feature was recorded in the vicinity on an earlier Bronze Age urn. A second area of archaeological potential lay on either side of a trackway where banks of upcast soil up to 0.8m thick afforded some protection to natural river terrace gravels.



SCCAS Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Prehistoric feature, Former Harris Meat Factory, Ipswich (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Deposit, Former Meat Harris Factory, Ipswich.
  • Evaluation and Test Pitting, Former Meat Harris Factory, Ipswich.

Record last edited

Dec 7 2022 3:54PM

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